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Coaching for Self-Actualization: Part I

March 29, 2021

“The science of psychology has been more successful on the negative than on the positive side … It has been revealed to us much about man’s shortcomings, his illness, his sins, but little about his potentialities, his virtues, his achievable aspirations, or his psychological health. We must find out what psychology might be if it could free itself from …read more.

Coaching for Social Impact Pilot Project Launches

March 26, 2021

ICF Foundation and Many Hopes organizations embark on a social impact partnership. Lexington KY, USA —The International Coaching Federation (ICF) Foundation launched a social impact partnership in collaboration with Many Hopes, New York. Along with six of its partner organizations in Bolivia, Ghana, Guatemala, Kenya, Malawi and Peru to offer pro bono professional coaching services to …read more.

International Coaching Federation featured in CNBC Stories on Coaching

March 25, 2021

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is featured in two CNBC articles that explore the Coaching industry. ICF is the only professional organization for coaching referenced in the articles, which include interviews with ICF CEO Magdalena Nowicka Mook and various coaching clients from the #ExperienceCoaching blog series. Also featured in the 26-minute video documentary and related …read more.

How to Start a Successful Online Coaching Business

March 24, 2021

Around the world, there are lots of great coaches who would love to help people, especially now during the COVID-19 pandemic. But many of these coaches do not know how to find clients, let alone how to sell them their services.  Because of the pandemic, the market has changed and so have our purchasing habits – we now buy online more than we ever have …read more.

5 Steps for Creating Online Courses as a Coach

March 22, 2021

Do you want to impact hundreds of people every year without losing the magic and powerful transformation of one-on-one coaching sessions?  If that’s a yes, here’s exactly what you need: online courses.  Online courses work for every kind of coach as long as you find a way to transfer your skills and energy into an online experience. Follow these five simple steps to create your first – or second – transformational online …read more.

International Coaching Federation Announces 2021 Global Board Election Results

March 18, 2021

Pat Mathews, MCC, elected as 2021 ICF Global Board Chair. Lexington, Kentucky, USA—The results of the 2021 ICF Board of Directors election have been finalized. Pat Mathews, MCC (United States), has been elected to a one-year term as the 2021 ICF Global Board Chair. Mathews previously served as an ICF Professional Coaches Board Member from …read more.

Overcoming Self-Sabotage

March 17, 2021

It may be hard to believe, but many respectable and self-confident people have experienced times when the conscious and subconscious levels of their mind ran counter to each other. This contradiction is called self-sabotage, which hinders a person from reaching their goals and making a successful career.   Many do not view internal resistance on the subconscious level as a difficulty, indicating that they may be unaware of this challenge. The …read more.

Attracting Online Coaching Clients with Dazzling Content

March 15, 2021

Growing your coaching practice in today’s noisy digital world can be as simple as giving away free, valuable content.  Many coaches insist that because word-of-mouth referrals are their main source of new clients, they don’t need to invest in additional marketing strategies. The problem with this thinking is that there is simply too much competition, making it harder for consumers of coaching to find – let alone …read more.

Debunking the Magic Question: Curiosity in Coaching

March 10, 2021

Many coaches have searched for the “magic” question that will give them a superpower to dramatically help their clients find the best solution to their problems. Often, the coach is keen to keep a list of memorized coaching questions for use in various scenarios with different clients on a variety of topics. This approach to coaching unfortunately leads to ineffective results because the coach is too focused on questions rather than on the client, context and the moment of realization.    For instance, during one of my coaching sessions, I asked …read more.

How and Why to be an ICF Brand Ambassador

March 5, 2021

ICF works hard to represent the gold standard of professionalism and ethics for the coaching profession. As such, being an ICF-credentialed coach carries with it a certain amount of pride in affiliation. And likewise, ICF is proud to associate with coaches who embody those high standards of excellence and professionalism. Often times, with that pride …read more.


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