Tell Us Why You Are an ICF Coach - International Coaching Federation
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Tell Us Why You Are an ICF Coach

Why are you an ICF Member? What do you enjoy about coaching? Let us know by filling out our Member Experience form, and you could be featured in an upcoming Member Update, social media post or other form of ICF communication.

Submit Your Story

Comments (4)

  1. says:

    Gracias a la formación en Coaching Ontológico Profesional, encontré el sentido a mi vida. Desde entonces que acompaño a las personas a ser más felices en su propia vida. Este propósito está presente cada vez que hago una sesión de coaching, doy una clase en mi escuela de coaching, en una capacitación y trabajos en las organizaciones. Cada mañana me despierto con mi sentido de vida. Y todo gracias a esta maravillosa profesión.
    Ser miembro de ICF y contar con credencial PCC me ayuda a contactarme con colegas de todo el mundo y “hablar en el mismo idioma”, como así también trasmitir un legado Profesional a mis clientes desde los estándares de competencias de calidad y Código Ético profesional. Gracias ICF por el crecimiento y mejora continua constante, nos hace crecer como coaches profesionales!!

  2. says:

    As an ICF member I embody the competencies and high ethic standard of coaching profession and aim to raise the awareness of the society about coaching profession and its contribution to society

    What I enjoy about coaching?
    I love helping individuals to unlock their potential, discover their resources for creativity and productivity and live a fulfilled life.
    I love helping teams for effective communication and developing leadership features.

  3. Why am i an ICF coach?
    because Icf is a powerful community, gaining reputation and high quality standards. Working hard for a assuring professionalism and competence in coaching worldwide. ICF is also a ‘family’ for our profession and is very well eorganized and managed. First time i read core competencies i felt that was my essence, completely alligned with my bvelief and values. So i decided to join and i’ll neve go out of ICF global.

    Why am i a coach?
    Because we have responsability to suport people in growing responsability and competence in life, profession and in every single action in this world. Coaching gives an incredible support to Human Beings and not only in competences and capabilities and awareness but also in being happy and more gratified of their lives.

  4. says:

    Why are you an ICF Member?
    > Learning resources
    > Credentials and recognition
    > Collaborations and exchange of worldview with international coaches

    What do you enjoy about coaching?
    > Support people be in completion of their unfinished resolution with OME (Ontological, Mindful, Ecology)
    > I love listening and enjoy be in the space of people, this profession gets me to be who I am.

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