The Do's and Don'ts of Social Media for Coaches
Twenty years ago, having your own website was enough to “be online.”
But the rules have changed. Today, if you aren’t on social media, you’re not visible enough.
And understanding social media is no easy feat. There are so many platforms, and each one works differently, so how do you learn these platforms and grow your coaching business without getting completely overwhelmed?
Here are some key learnings I’ve discovered on my own social media journey, so you can start yours with more clarity and get results faster.
Common Social Media Mistakes to Avoid
When using social media, think like a business and not a user. Why? Because it will give you better strategic clarity and help you avoid these three common mistakes.
Mistake #1: No Clear Goal
Not having a clear goal as to why you are using a social media platform is like trying to hit the bullseye target with your eyes closed. And if you wait for the goal to magically appear along the way, you’ll end up losing energy, effort and most importantly, time.
You need a specific and clear goal to focus on, achieve, and then continue on the next objective.
Just to be clear, “grow your following” or “find new clients” are not clear goals. Be more specific!
Mistake #2: Getting Sucked Into the Social Media “Black Hole”
Have you ever opened Facebook, Instagram or any other platform just to browse for a few minutes, looking for some “inspiration for your next post,” and next thing you know you’ve been scrolling for over an hour?
It happens to all of us. Social platforms are like black holes; they suck you in and you completely lose track of time. This is precious time you need to grow your business.
To avoid this mistake, give yourself boundaries. Set a timer and hold yourself accountable for getting the needed “research” done in the established time, keeping yourself in the “business” mindset.
Mistake #3: Outsourcing Your Tasks
Growing your presence on social media takes time and effort, which makes it tempting to hire someone else to manage your content and engage on your different platforms.
This is fine if you are active on several platforms, have a growing following and are building a team. But if you’re just getting started, it’s crucial to keep in mind how you are showing up.
Your audience follows YOU. So, remember to be always present and active on your platforms and show up fully, so you can build an authentic brand and reputation.
Now that you know the three mistakes to avoid, what should you actually do to build an effective social media strategy?
4 Effective Social Media Strategies
Social media is a long-term game, which means if you want to succeed, you need to work with timeless strategies.
Here are four key strategies I recommend:
Strategy #1: Choose Your Platform
First things first: being on all social media platforms is like being on none, especially when you’re just getting started.
These platforms can be hard to master, and it’s important you focus your efforts on mastering one at a time to build a solid and consistent brand.
Choose your platform based on who your target audience is, where you can find them and which platform you feel most comfortable with.
This will not only give you focus, but also clarity on what your audience is interested in, what kind of content to create and the resources you will need to make it work.
Strategy #2: Create Powerful Content
Success on social media platforms is related to what you post on your account as opposed to how many people see it.
Share unique and compelling content that will relate with your current followers and the future ones that will find your account.
Explore storytelling and test different formats to find out what your audience resonates most with. Then, leverage the formats with the best engagement.
Strategy #3: Build Rapport with your Audience
The main objective of using online platforms is to create connections and engagement with your audience, to truly interact with them.
Make sure you engage back with your audience by responding to their comments, asking them to share their questions, or doing live videos to directly connect with them.
You can also give likes, shares or comment on people’s posts on their own pages. What you’re looking for is getting the same activity from other people on your posts as they are attracted to your generosity and approachability to share ideas.
Strategy #4: Be Consistent
For a powerful following, you need to be consistent about your platform presence. Create a schedule in which you determine how many times a day or a week you want to share content and keep it running, so followers don’t forget about your account.
If daily posts are too much to handle at first, you can do weekly. The secret is to find consistency on a regular basis and post quality content.
Create your monthly content calendar so you can plan ahead and stay on track.
It’s important to remember that social media marketing is not a quantity game; it’s a quality game. Having massive following, likes and comments will not determine your success as a coach if the people following you are not your ideal audience. Clarity, content and consistency will go a long way!
Ajit, I appreciate the succinct quality of the watch-outs and advice you’ve provided. You’ve caused me to reflect on generating content that is (a) quality, (b) serves a specific goal and (c) can be deployed in conjunction w/ a set calendar. I can see how this would clear up the social media mystery. The central paradigm to treat your social media strategy like a business, not a user really nailed it for me. Without this shift, nothing else will work well or for long. Thank you.
Great points Ajit! I was actually thinking of outsourcing my social media activities but after reading your post, I realise that I should do them on my own as I’m still have to go a long way in brand and rapport building. Thanks for guiding!
Great tips Ajit! Social Media can be so confusing and overwhelming. Thank you for the points on consistency and quality.
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