Languages in the Member Update - International Coaching Federation
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Languages in the Member Update

To make the Member Update more accessible to all ICF Members, each article contains a “Member News” link where the information can be easily translated into any language using Google Translate. To do so, just click the “Read in Member News” link under each article. Once on the ICF website, scroll to the bottom of the page and choose your language from the “Select Language” dropdown menu on the bottom right. 

Gmail and Microsoft Outlook both offer translation options as well:

Gmail Instructions for Translating Email

Microsoft Outlook Instructions for Translating Email

Comments (28)

  1. Mrs Martjie Swart says:

    Thank you.

  2. says:

    Feeling excited to be a part of the world of contribution.

    Stay Busy and blessed!

    Debeshi (Day Way she )

    I live in Gurgaon and belong to the world!

  3. says:

    Thank you I am very excited to learn more and be part of the coaches in the world

  4. says:

    Fantástico tener el traductor de forma fácil. Gracias

  5. says:

    entré al link de herramientas para buscar el nuevo modelo de competencias y pdf solamente aparece en inglés ¿Cómo puedo tenerlos en español?

  6. says:

    Som vďačná, že som pod záštitou ICF global a oceňujem skvelé jazykové mutácie.
    Nech sa všetkým skvelo darí,
    Erika Feketová zo Slovenska

  7. says:

    Thrilled to be back. I was one of the Directors at the Irish Chapter and visited the NY chapter in 2015. Looking forward to getting back into growing together.

    Here to network and grow together.


  8. says:

    Uauuuuuuuu é muito bom estar na ICF e ajudar a fazer a diferença para a humanidade e o planeta.
    TOP D++++++++

  9. says:

    Hello, a friend of mine has failed her CKA and wants to retake the test. She is unable to make the payment for Retake of CKA. Can anyone please help with the procedure?
    Regards | Satadal

  10. Kakoli Saha says:

    Thank you. It is great to be part of this world of professionals. I live in Kolkata, India.

  11. says:

    Very Proud to be part of this great coaching collective!

  12. says:

    Happ New Year

  13. Lillian Jiménez says:

    Orgullosa de ser parte de la ICF.

  14. says:


  15. Daniela Descovich says:

    Muchas gracias por la facilidad para traducir cualquier envio.

  16. Muchas gracias por incluir la importancia del idioma español en sus publicaciones q son de informacion, comunicación y valiosos aprendizajes para esta maravillosa actividad profesional de coaching.

  17. Realmente fará toda a diferença por ser uma entidade global, democratizando o acesso às informações para quem não possui fluência no idioma inglês.
    Muito bom, precisamos avançar mais nas traduções de eventos, vídeos, palestras, webinarios.
    Realmente as informações são relevantes..

  18. NORA CATZ says:

    Hola,mi idioma natal es elespañol. Soy de Argentina. Saludos!

  19. Qué bueno que aceptaron la recomendación. Durante el proceso de Upgrade hubo muchos retos de interpretación entre diferentes lenguajes (no tanto de gramática…). Gracias.

  20. says:

    Genial, el multi lenguaje


  21. says:

    Hola querido ICF.
    Acá los saludos desde Chile, sudamerica.
    Lenguaje materno es español

  22. says:

    Professional Charter for Coaching Accepted by European Union
    The Professional Charter for Coaching, Mentoring and Supervision of Coaches, Mentors and Supervisors has been accepted by the European Union (EU), and it is now listed on the EU’s co-regulation and self-regulation databases.

    This charter is the result of collaboration with other coaching associations to reflect a common understanding of professional coaching to regulators. It helps demonstrate why professional bodies should be the regulators of coaching rather than individual national, state or provincial governments. While the charter does not carry the force of law, it does demonstrate a concerted effort to self-regulate the profession on the part of major coaching associations.

    The latest charter is an enhancement of a 2011 version, both of which ICF has played a major role in developing. It includes key updates to ensure our self-regulation remains relevant, providing appropriate protections for consumers and enabling skilled coaches, mentors and supervisors to validate their credibility in the market.

  23. says:

    Me parece excelente. Saludos desde Chile!!

  24. says:

    Gracias por hacerme parte de esta excelente idea. Un saludo especial desde Colombia.

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