ICF’s 25th Anniversary - International Coaching Federation
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Celebrating 30 Years of Driving Coaching Forward. Learn More & Join the Celebration

ICF’s 25th Anniversary

In 2020, ICF is celebrating 25 years of leading the future of coaching! Stay tuned throughout the year as we unveil new initiatives to celebrate this milestone anniversary!

What’s Happening This Month:

  • We’ve launched the all-new #ExperienceCoaching website! Visit experiencecoaching.com now for videos and consumer-oriented resources you can share with your clients.
  • We’re celebrating 25 years of helping coaches build their businesses by kicking off the biggest, most extensive Business Development Series yet! Registration for the live series is now closed, but you can still register to access onDemand content.

Follow ICF on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to celebrate our anniversary all month, every month. Don’t forget to check out our Instagram Stories on March 25 to test your knowledge of ICF’s history!

Comments (4)

  1. michaelpomije@gmail.com says:

    Congratulations on ICF for 25 years in leading the way in the coaching industry!

    Coach Michael Pomije, PCC

  2. pat@drpatwilliams.com says:

    What a great history….what a great future. Thanks ICF

  3. mau.pillan@gmail.com says:

    i am happy to share with you a part of your journey that has allowed you to be a beacon on the coaching routes!

  4. mdrewscoach@gmail.com says:

    Me siento honrada de pertenecer a esta organización tan importante para esta ciencia y arte del Coaching. Feliz Aniversario ICF!

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