ICF Memberships Expire on March 31 - International Coaching Federation
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ICF Memberships Expire on March 31

Be sure to renew your ICF Membership before it expires on March 31, 2019. ICF Membership features several benefits, including local engagement and networking through ICF Chapters, discounted event attendance, learning opportunities and access to the latest in cutting-edge research. This year, we’ve also created a Facebook Frame for renewed ICF Members to add to their profile photo. Spread awareness and add the frame to your profile at icf.to/icfproud.


Renew Now


Note: If you have already renewed or joined as a new member in 2019, your ICF Membership will not expire until March 31, 2020.

Comments (37)


    Just joined, confirming if expiration is upcoming on Mar 31

    • Lisa Cunningham says:


      Welcome to the ICF community! Since you just joined, your membership is actually active through March 31, 2020.

      Best regards,

      ICF Social Media Specialist

      • christina.showalter@gmail.com says:

        I have problem get to your website to renew my membership.

        • Lisa Cunningham says:


          Our Member Services team can help you with this issue. You can contact them by email at icfheadquarters@coachfederation.org or by phone at 888.423.3131 (toll-free) +1.859.219.3580.

          Best regards,

          ICF Social Media Specialist

          • lucas@lucasmaranga.com says:

            How do I get my certificate? I’ve clicked on the tab but it’s not coming up. I’d like to print it out.

          • Lisa Cunningham says:


            The certificate opens in a new window, so please ensure that your pop-up blocker is disabled for coachfederation.org. If you do get the window to open, you can then right-click and select “print.” If you are still having trouble getting your certificate to open, please contact our Member Services team at headquarters@coachfederation.org.

            Thank you,

            ICF Social Media Specialist

        • info@globalalignmentcoaching.com says:

          I had the same issues as Christina. I have contacted the membership team via the email.

      • deb@lupinecollaborative.com says:

        Hi – do I need to do anything at my end to make sure the membership expiration date attached to my membership extends until 2020? I am a new member as of 2019. Thanks!

        • Lisa Cunningham says:


          According to our records, it looks like you joined in October 2018 at a lower, pro-rated membership. Since you joined in 2018, your membership expires March 31, 2019. If you think this is an error, please contact Our Member Services team via email at icfheadquarters@coachfederation.org or by phone at 888.423.3131 (toll-free) +1.859.219.3580.

          Best regards,

          ICF Social Media Specialist

      • barbara.galateri@gmail.com says:

        Sorry I’m Barbara and I would like to know when i have to renew the membership ICF? thank you

        • Lisa Cunningham says:


          According to our records, you joined in February 2018, which means you will have to renew by March 31, 2019 to remain a member of ICF.

    • oivind@bergenmentor.no says:

      Som du ser over kommentarene, står det:
      Hvis du allerede har fornyet eller sluttet seg som nytt medlem i 2019, vil ditt ICF-medlemskap ikke utløpe til 31. mars 2020.

  2. anke.loose@personal-in-veraenderung.de says:

    Where do I find the pdf of my membership certificate?

    • Lisa Cunningham says:


      You can access your membership certificate in the Member Portal, by clicking the “Edit Profile” button and then selecting “Membership Certificate” in the “My Account Links” box on the right side of the page. The certificate will open in a pop-up window, so make sure your browser setting allows for pop-ups from our website. You can then download the certificate from the pop-up box.

      Best regards,

      ICF Social Media Specialist

  3. maluisaharman@telefonica.net.pe says:

    Please confirm the expiration date for my membership. it says it expires on march 31, 2019 but with I try to update my information it says I am not active. which is it?

  4. mstratford717@gmail.com says:

    if i renew now, will the membership be pro-rated til March 31? or will it be logged as Feb? otherwise I will wait till close to march 31

    • Lisa Cunningham says:


      Your current membership expires March 31. If you renew now, you are renewing for the period of April 1, 2019-March 31, 2020.

      Best regards,

      ICF Social Media Specialist

  5. ngluyen@gmail.com says:

    I just wanted to check and confirm that existing members who renew pay USD245?
    I have just paid USD175 for my ACC credential renewal: this USD175 is to be treated separately from membership renewal?

    Thank you

    • Lisa Cunningham says:


      That is correct. The amount you paid for your ICF ACC Credential renewal is different and separate from your ICF Membership renewal. The Membership renewal rate is $245 USD and will be active through March 31, 2020.

      Best regards,

      ICF Social Specialist

  6. michelle@mariposa.coach says:

    Hi, I too am confirming that my membership expires in 2020.

    • Lisa Cunningham says:

      Hello Michelle,

      Since you joined in December, you joined at a lower, prorated fee based off of membership for the time period of December 2018-March 31, 2019. If you would like to continue to be an ICF Member beginning April 1, then you will have to renew your membership at the full 12-month rate.

      Best regards,

      ICF Social Media Specialist

  7. saltner@wecm.ca says:

    I joined last summer and when I tried to renew the screen showed that I was not eligible for renewal. Can you help to clarify this?

  8. benedettamagarinim@gmail.com says:

    I have joined on March 19th 2019 and in my account page I read that my memership is expired on March 31st and I’m invited to renew my membership.
    What have I to do to be sure of my membership?
    I need to be member also for join the Italian Chapter.
    Thank you in advance

    • Lisa Cunningham says:

      Hello Benedetta,

      Our records indicate that your membership will expire March 31, 2020, so you are good for the next year. Our Member Services team can help you affiliate with a chapter. You can contact them at headquarters@coachfederation.org.

      Best regards,

      ICF Social Media Specialist

  9. sunil.setpaul@atomglobal.com says:


    I’m trying to renew my membership however even clicking on the is not allowing me to renew. Kindly help.

  10. yphuishee@yahoo.com says:

    Hi Lisa – I’ve tried in IE, Chrome and even on different computers, but once I click on the renew button, the page that pops up fails to load. Am trying to renew my membership.

    Pls advice. Thanks

  11. abeuchot@cencoem.org says:


    I just want to check if my membership is on. I paid half in February and was offered to be sent e Paypal likn to pay my second half 90 days later by Carolina Stilhano, but that has not happened. I am on a MCC accreditation process and so not want to be left out because of that. Please let me know my status. Thank you.

    Dr. Alberto Beuchot

  12. andrea@andreajwilson.com says:

    I forgot to renew my membership, received a letter to do so online, and now I cannot do it. What’s going on? Why is this difficult? It shouldn’t be this hard to renew a membership. (And no, I don’t want to call someone. I want to do it online.)

  13. steve@leadingchange.net says:

    May I join ICF in November or December 2023 and receive a pro-rated fee through March 2024, when I can renew for the full year? This used to be the case, but I’m not seeing that option now.

    If I pay the entire $245 now (November or December 2023) to join, when does that membership expire?

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