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Top 10 Effective Listening Tips for Coaches

July 27, 2017

You’ll listen better and be listened to if you practice these tips: Let others tell their own stories first. By letting them speak first, you save time. When their interests are revealed you can tailor your discussion to their particular needs, goals and objectives. Stop wasting time volleying sentences that take much longer to really …read more.

6 Essential Leadership Styles for Aspiring Leaders

July 24, 2017

Leadership style describes how leaders choose to connect with their teams to deliver results. Harvard University has identified six key leadership styles that comprise an essential toolbox for leaders. Choosing the right style, at the right time can produce powerful results. Emotional intelligence plays a critical role in the process of selecting an opportune leadership …read more.

Previous Experience Desired

July 18, 2017

One of the most common questions we often hear from new coaches building a practice is, “Should I niche?” As you may know, a niche, or the act of niching, is a marketing strategy intended to generate visibility with products and messaging aimed at a specific demographic. The belief is that by operating within a …read more.

Coaching Presence and Being at Your Best

July 10, 2017

As coaches, we pride ourselves on demonstrating a presence that is different from other conversations and is foundational to the coaching relationship. And as humans, we are all vulnerable to distraction. We say something, the client doesn’t respond in a way that we might have imagined, and we’re thrown off course. We know some of …read more.

12 Ways to Coach Through Your Client's 'I Don't Know' Responses

July 3, 2017

Often when our clients say, “I don’t know,” they really do know, but it’s uncomfortable to face the answer. When we trust our instincts as a coach and help them speak that uncomfortable truth—whatever it may be—we may just be rewarded with an “Aha!” moment. A client’s “I don’t know” can represent many things. Examples …read more.

10 Easy Steps for Proving the "Value" of Coaching

June 29, 2017

There are 53,300 professional coaches worldwide who generate $2.356 billion U.S. dollar in revenue globally (2016 ICF Global Coaching Study), and that number is growing rapidly. As the profession continues to grow, the issue of effectiveness and return on investment (ROI) is likely to become more important for coaches. In fact, when it comes to …read more.

How to Answer the Question “What is Coaching?”

June 2, 2017

This week, we’re doing marketing Q&A with members of the ICF community. Here’s a question from Laura Reichert in North Carolina. Q: What is life coaching? Seriously I know, you know and the ICF knows, but potential clients are scratching their heads. I find it difficult to answer this question in 30 seconds. A: Listen …read more.

How to Make People Eager to Invest in Coaching

May 18, 2017

This week, we’re doing marketing Q&A with members of the ICF community. Here’s a question from Marsha Boyle in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Q: How do you get people to see the value of investing in themselves? A: Listen here and/or read below:   We’ve all been there. You’re talking with someone who would be the …read more.

Avoiding Scams and Shady Deals Targeting Coaches

April 12, 2017

One day, out of the blue, you get an email from someone who identifies herself as a mother. Apparently, she has been looking to hire a coach, and, after much research, has chosen you from your website.  She goes on to mention she is recently divorced from a successful businessman and wants you to coach …read more.

DISC vs. MBTI Assessments: Which Should You Use?

March 28, 2017

I am often asked about the difference between DISC and MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®) and if there’s an advantage in using one over the other. Both DISC and MBTI are assessment tools that provide insight into personality and behavior. Both are widely respected and used by individuals, organizations, institutions and corporations worldwide. There are, however, …read more.


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