Toolbox Archives - Page 27 of 36 - International Coaching Federation
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Mindfulness as a Coaching Tool?

January 25, 2018

What’s a coaching tool to you? Something you pull out of your “toolbox” and “apply” to a client? Like MBTI? The GROW Model? Or, a perspective on coaching that provides a whole variety of questions and approaches? I’d like to suggest something else. What if we ourselves are the most subtle, dynamic tool? And what …read more.

Using MBTI to Facilitate Self-Empowerment and Understanding of Others

January 22, 2018

Having used a variety of assessment tools, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is my first choice as a coach. It measures personality preferences and can facilitate increased self-awareness (resulting in empowerment) and enhanced diversity appreciation (resulting in understanding and acceptance of others)—aspects needed in life, at work and as global citizens of the world. As …read more.

Coaching and Design Thinking

January 15, 2018

Design thinking is more popular than ever. Originally developed at Stanford University’s, this human-centered method helps teams find innovative solutions to existing problems. While working in Berlin, I had the opportunity to learn design thinking at the Hasso-Plattner Institute in Potsdam, Germany. Though there is a whole process to design thinking, I’ll only be …read more.

Mindfulness Tools for Change

January 12, 2018

Have you noticed your coaching clients are increasingly prone to distraction and greater levels of stress and frustration? This is a product of today’s complex and often chaotic world. Clients report feeling overwhelmed, struggling to focus, being caught in patterns of cyclical thinking, or being otherwise distracted, internally and externally. For many modern coaches, mindfulness …read more.

Small Shifts with Big Impact: Using Micro-Practices to Uplift Consciousness, Well-Being, and Performance in the Leaders You Coach

January 8, 2018

The senior leader I’m coaching feels stuck. For decades, Angela prospered in operational roles by leading with her brilliance. She was the expert, dogmatic about her opinions (and typically right), and if needed, she knew how to bully her views to the top. Yet her new role as beverage company COO required her to “play …read more.

A Way to Be

January 5, 2018

A client or prospective client wants to be seen and heard, and to trust their inherent wisdom to bring them to their next action. A coach partners with a client in this process by using presence and communication—a way of being with their client while using coaching skills. ICF has created a powerful set of …read more.

Creativity in Coaching and Beyond

December 22, 2017

“I’m just not a creative type!” “I’m really not sure what I should be imagining.” “What do you mean to visualize it?” I’m not sure about other coaches, but I have had quite a few experiences with clients who had a hard time getting in touch with their creative sides. Clients sometimes hold the limiting …read more.

Using Objects To Creatively Problem Solve with Our Clients

December 20, 2017

When I was training as a therapist many years ago, I worked with a young woman who sat opposite me in silence as she tried to find words to explain what was going on in her life. As a result, I wrote a thesis, “When Words Fail,” and started using objects in my work. Why …read more.

The Hard Line: Setting Boundaries for Coaches

December 15, 2017

As coaches, we are trained (and often personally hardwired) to be 100-percent client-focused in every way possible. Coaching partnerships are based on trust and establishing a meaningful connection with our clients, and doing so allows us to support them as they progress towards their goals. With our commitment to being intensely client-focused, it isn’t surprising …read more.

What's Inside Your Heart? The Traits of a Coach

October 2, 2017

As coaches we spend a lot of time, effort and money getting coach-specific training and credentials. We take the business of BEing a coach very seriously. We do our best to honor and live our own values. We aim to express ourselves authentically—both in our businesses and in our lives. We recognize we have shortcomings …read more.


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