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Private and Confidential: Ethical Implications

February 28, 2018

Have you ever considered what it would be like to open your Inbox one morning, only to discover the following email notification? PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Ethical Conduct Review – Notice of Investigation This letter is to inform you that the Initial Review Panel has made a preliminary determination that a breach of the ICF Code …read more.

Coaches: How You See the World Impacts Your Clients

February 23, 2018

I was sitting across from an educated, articulate corporate professional who came from a country very far away from my own, with a different language and culture to my own. We were speaking in English, however, a language in which we were both fluent. And yet it seemed that, beyond the words, we weren’t connecting. …read more.

Four Tips for Coaching Expats to Success

February 19, 2018

When it comes to international relocations, expatriates often don’t truly know what to expect until they’re in the thick of it. By then, they’re already behind the learning curve and experiencing cultural transition stress. Symptoms such as sleeplessness, under- or overeating, reduced self-esteem, and even depression are among the most common. If coaching is about …read more.

Emotions Are Like Road Signs

February 14, 2018

“I want to explore work-life balance. I’m feeling stressed all the time.” This is a pretty typical client request. While it’s essential to explore our session agreement and outcome expectation, it’s also important to explore the experience that goes with “feeling stressed,” or another emotion, when stated during a session. I operate on the idea …read more.

Creative Homework: 3 Writing Exercises to Support Your Client’s Growth

February 12, 2018

Much of the powerful growth for our clients happens between sessions. Strategic “homework” can be an incredible tool to solidify insights gained during coaching and to support further development of ideas and habits. Most of us know the power of journaling, but for many clients, this is hard or ineffective without more specific instruction or …read more.

Questions that Focus on a Way Forward

February 9, 2018

“Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions.” —Helal Hafiz Fear is often one of the debilitating variables that gets in the way of developing and achieving our professional dreams. This includes fear of failure, fear of success, fear of making decisions we will regret, …read more.

Evaluate Your Coaching Practice: What’s in Your Toolbox?

February 5, 2018

Coaches universally strive to “make a difference” for our clients and the communities we serve. Many coaches have a good idea of what that difference is, but measuring and clearly articulating success is challenging. The coaching profession has grown in depth and breadth, with coaches practicing across the globe and interacting with different disciplines. Coaches …read more.

The Gift of Coaching Presence

February 2, 2018

Any coaching relationship yields the best outcomes when the client has the supreme trust in the coach and the coaching process. On the part of the coach, it’s extremely important to have an unconditional faith in the client’s intentions and abilities as well as have an open mind to explore and “flow” with the process. …read more.

Helping Coaching Clients Obtain the Data They Need

January 30, 2018

In God we trust. All others need to bring data. Years ago, in the heyday of the Quality Management movement, I had a colleague that adopted this as his mantra. He believed that data collection was the heart of successful change. Collecting data is a key way that coaches help clients create awareness. Creating Awareness, …read more.

The Virtues of Virtual Coaching

January 29, 2018

The Case for Virtual Coaching: It’s the Best Leader Experience I look at the world through an “experience” lens: customer experience, employee experience, leader experience. What’s the best coaching experience I can provide for the leaders I coach? When I apply the experience lens to virtual coaching, the answer may surprise you. Leaders are hyper …read more.


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