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Setting and Achieving Transformative Goals

April 27, 2018

Setting goals is important in life. It’s also a key component of many approaches to coaching. Yet we have to admit that not all goal setting is effective. Some ways of thinking about goals and goal setting are more conducive to client fulfilment and progress than others. John Whitmore’s “Pyramid of Goals” explores the links …read more.

Partnering with Clients: Vulnerability and Growth

April 23, 2018

Vulnerability is the most accurate measure of courage. –Brené Brown Partnering with Clients The concept of ”partnering” is in the definition of coaching as well as a majority of the PCC Markers, including Creating Trust and Intimacy, Creating Awareness, Planning and Goal Setting, and Managing Progress and Accountability. Coaches, in their quest for mastery, need …read more.

Building Supportive Coach Communities with Twitter

April 12, 2018

Coaches work in different contexts; some in relative isolation, which can lead to negative impacts on professional well-being and development. But, with the use of social media, we can create a supportive culture of “community” among coaches. Social media is everywhere. If we’re tempted to dismiss it as only good for showcasing cute cats, it …read more.

Building a Robust Presence

April 3, 2018

If you are a coach with an ICF PCC or MCC Credential, or you are in the process of becoming one, you most probably know by now that you can’t “DO the coach,” you have to “BE the coach.” Each coaching client is a unique individual who requires the coach to have a state of …read more.

Measuring Our Impact

April 1, 2018

We learn, and can share a lot, about the impact of coaching with our clients through many types of sources. And, we have many avenues within each type to impact that impact, too! As I was writing this article, I started to realize that the whole action of impact and its measurement has so many …read more.

Trust and Intimacy: The Elixir of Professional Coaching

March 28, 2018

Coaching is a professional partnership between a coach and a client in an empowering environment. The purpose of any form of coaching is to bring about lasting changes in beliefs, and thus accompanying behaviors. This is best achieved when the client has unconditional trust and fail-safe intimacy. This is easier said than done! Trust can …read more.

If You Have a Brain, You’re Biased

March 16, 2018

We all have biases, and they have a way of popping up and derailing situations. A bias is a powerful belief or a preconceived opinion about something or someone. A bias can be for or against an idea, an ideology, a behavior, a culture, or even ourselves. As our brain developed, it designed techniques to …read more.

The Three Layers of Listening in Coaching

March 9, 2018

When we coach, we offer the rare gift of listening deeply. The first time I shared the Three Layers of Deep Listening Model (adapted from chapter 3 of Co-Active Coaching, by Laura Whitworth, Karen Kimsey-House, Henry Kimsey-House and Phillip Sandahl) with workshop participants, I asked them to remember the last time they had listened to someone at …read more.

Likert-style Coaching Surveys: A Conceptual Framework

March 6, 2018

Attitude surveys are a relatively simple and low-resource method used to determine a client’s needs prior to the coaching engagement and assess impact during, at the end of or after the engagement. Likert-style scales are the most popular survey method used to measure attitudes. Attitudes are broadly defined, and they include opinions, beliefs, feelings, intents, …read more.

5 Ways to Leverage Assertiveness and Cooperativeness in Conflict Situations Using TKI

March 5, 2018

The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) is a superb tool that helps clients identify and break unresourceful patterns in handling conflict with others. For more than four decades, TKI has been the leading conflict resolution assessment. Created by Ralph H. Kilmann, Ph.D., and Kenneth W. Thomas, Ph.D., TKI measures the way conflict is handled in …read more.


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