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Mentor Coaching Benefits - More Than Credentialing

May 11, 2020

Think of yourself as the best coaching tool there is. Tools need to be oiled, sharpened, repaired and protected to keep them in tip-top condition. So how do you stop yourself from becoming blunt, rusty and unfit for purpose? In my experience, the most robust way to stay sharp is to be observed and given …read more.

How to Thrive in Ambiguity: The Simple 6-Step Process

May 6, 2020

The human brain wasn’t designed to deal with an overload of rapid change, uncertainty and ambiguity. Unfortunately, whether we’re equipped to deal with it or not, these conditions are an unavoidable reality in the modern world. Our clients are searching for ways to create consistent certainty where certainty does not—or cannot—exist. After all, the very …read more.

Building Trust Virtually in Your Coaching Sessions

April 16, 2020

I learned how to coach from a virtual school. Initially, I doubted that remote coaching would be as effective as being with someone in person. I quickly learned I was wrong. In fact, I was often better able to tune into my clients virtually than during in-person interactions. The success of my virtual conversations was …read more.

3 Coaching Questions to Ask for Reflection

April 13, 2020

Evoking insight for clients is an essential part of the coaching process. Insight occurs when people gain a deep intuitive understanding about themselves or a situation and leads to clarity to solve problems. John Dewey—psychologist, philosopher and education reformer—is thought to be the founder of reflection as it relates to personal learning. Dewey said, “We do …read more.

The Fierce Champion: Willingness to Take the Gloves Off can Enhance Your Client’s Transformation

April 9, 2020

I’m not, by nature, a very fierce guy.  I tend to lead with logic and reasoned arguments when there is conflict or disagreement, seeking harmony over victory and consensus over command.  That’s why I’ve had to learn to step into an element of coaching that can be intensely uncomfortable but transformational for my clients. Fierceness. …read more.

Help Leaders Shift Focus from What Others Think to Achieving Results

March 30, 2020

Jeff Bezos has overseen billions of dollars spent on failed innovation attempts at Amazon. Marc Benioff donates 1% of Salesforce’s equity, employee time or product back into the community every year.  Elon Musk founded SpaceX, a space exploration company with the goal of colonizing Mars. If these moves seem risky, that’s because they are! Yet …read more.

Creating a New Coaching Relationship, Every Moment

March 23, 2020

We had just started the game. The instructor kept telling me, “Take the offer. Say, ‘yes.’” Hearing those words, I realized that the scene was asking me to accept the role of an insect and pretend to bite my partner, who was acting as a superhero. Hearing the instructors, I had no choice but to …read more.

Coaching Supervision: An Opportunity to Stop, Look and Listen

March 19, 2020

I began studying, teaching and providing coaching supervision in 2010 and have found it a particularly rewarding and supportive aspect of my long coaching career. My coaching clients are better off because of this ongoing work. During a recent session of group supervision with 10 Leadership Coaches, it became clear that a significant aspect of …read more.

Supporting Clients Through Coronavirus-related Stress

March 9, 2020

The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is gradually becoming a part of our daily reality, for some more than others. In addition to its effect on our external reality, it is also affecting our internal one by inviting additional stress and anxiety into our personal space. This new internal reality enters the coaching space with our client. …read more.

The Intersection of Emotional Intelligence and Core Competencies

March 9, 2020

There are two topics I end up in conversation about often because of the work I do. The first is coaching competencies because I’m a mentor coach and love supporting professional coach growth. The second is emotional intelligence and some of the specific scales within emotional intelligence. As a coach, I support my clients in …read more.


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