Toolbox Archives - Page 16 of 36 - International Coaching Federation
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3 Approaches to Being an Ethical Coach

August 10, 2020

ICF-credentialed coaches are used to the fact that every three years we sign a pledge to adhere to the Code of Ethics and complete Continuing Coach Education on coaching ethics. (Those of us who are ICF Members also pledge to uphold the Code of Ethics annually, when we apply to renew our membership.) However, this …read more.

Best Tactics for Handling Big Changes

August 5, 2020

Change is inevitable but often unexpected. It presents opportunities for innovation and growth as well as failure. Outcomes are dependent on our preparedness and situational responses. For that reason, how can people and organizations execute desirable changes? Moreover, how do we react and adapt to unfavorable developments? The following change management concepts can help coaches …read more.

In an Unknown Tongue

August 3, 2020

How a Group of Neuroatypicals1 are Making Me a Better Coach In 2017, I was asked to begin a coaching program for youth on the autism spectrum. The sponsor had become aware of the success of the PEERS® program and was interested in using group coaching as a way to help these youth develop increased …read more.

Team Coaching for Better Outcomes

July 27, 2020

Organizations need to get better at decision-making. “Half of all decisions in organizations fail,” says Professor Paul C. Nutt, of the Department of Management Science, Ohio State University, in a journal article.  He studied 365 decisions in medium and large organizations to find if the organizations had implemented these decisions and if they were robust …read more.

French & Raven's Power Bases & Their Use in Coaching

July 16, 2020

If you work with clients who are current or emerging leaders but who are not always confident in their leadership position, then  John R. P. French and Bertram Raven’s power bases can help. It is a common tool in leadership modules at business school but is routinely overlooked in coaching practice. I use it to …read more.

Seven Ways to Customize Your Coaching Post-pandemic and Beyond

July 14, 2020

Back in November when we took over our roles as co-Leaders of ICF’s Health and Wellness Coaching Community of Practice, we chose High-tech versus High-touch: Coaching in a Virtual World” as the theme for our 2020 webinars. Little did we know what unbelievable foresight we had! When the pandemic hit, we accelerated our planned 12-month …read more.

The RFM Model for Behavior Change

July 7, 2020

As somebody whose work straddles between strategy consulting and coaching, I am always intrigued how concepts from one domain find applicability and add tremendous value in the other area. One of the oldest and a very valued concept in customer analytics is RFM. The acronym RFM stands for three actionable parameters to analyze and segment …read more.

Coaching for Flow

June 19, 2020

Few interventions produce a more lasting and positive impact on leaders and teams than accessing flow. It’s like hiring excellent leadership coaches, personal trainers and business consultants for everyone on your team. Yet, after decades of research, flow remains a fringe idea. A 10-year study at McKinsey found that flow makes executives five times more …read more.

Facilitating A “Knew” Normal

June 11, 2020

Using Word Play and Freeing Up Fear During and Beyond the Pandemic In the midst of the global pandemic, coaches have wonderful gifts to give clients, the world and ourselves! The real and potential threats (and impacts) related to the pandemic can be frightening. People are scared. People who are in positions to protect our …read more.

Reflecting on the Benefits of Coaching Those Who are Very Different from You

May 26, 2020

Anyone who has found themselves in the position of being asked to act as a coach across a whole cohort will know that it means you will be meeting a range of clients that you might not normally meet. Rather than the usual chemistry meetings, your coaching services are offered as the only option. This …read more.


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