3 Tips to Make Work More Enjoyable | ICF Leaders in Coaching
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3 Easy Tips to Make Work More Enjoyable & Efficient

Posted by Emma-Louise Elsey (Canada) | March 7, 2016 | Comments (2)

Many people want “more time” to grow their business, but then they avoid doing whatever it is that moves them forward. We feel stressed, tired and overwhelmed, and we possibly lack confidence. So, we procrastinate by distracting ourselves, finding new projects or doing something easier instead.

And so our businesses stay small. And so do we.

There are three easy ways to help you get more done and make work more enjoyable.

1) Remember That Your Job is Not to Get Everything Done—It’s Simply to Get the IMPORTANT Stuff Done

Too many of us strive to get everything done. But there are simply too many things going on in our lives! We have overly optimistic expectations of what we can achieve, and when planning, we don’t allow for life’s complications. We end up overscheduled and feeling dissatisfied.

Instead, Plan to do Less and Achieve More.

A smaller list of items looks (and is) more achievable than a longer list.

Try this: “The Just 3 Things Rule” asks you to think about your goals for the week or month on a daily basis. Next, you make a list of JUST three things (no more, no less!) you would be disappointed NOT to achieve that day. Do not work on anything else until you have completed those three things. With this rule, you are guaranteed to get more done.

2) Learn How You Work Best and Create a Routine that Works for You

Have you heard the expression, “If you want something done, give it to a busy person?” Busy people know that time is limited, and they’ve figured out what works best for them. They also know how to prioritize and how to get and stay focused so that things get done.

If you work for yourself, you can easily make your day work for you! If you’re at your best at 6 a.m., start work then. Or if you can’t think straight until 10 a.m., start work then. Write best in the evenings? Do that. If taking a yoga class in the middle of the day declutters your mind and de-stresses you, do it. Switch off all distractions like your phone, cell phone and all other programs (including the Internet) if it helps you focus.

Create a Routine That Works For You. Then, Keep Learning, Adapting and Improving it.

Try this: Ask yourself weekly, “When and how am I most effective at work?” Now, make a list of three to five things you know will help you—and be sure to implement them!

3) No more excuses. JUST. GET. IT. DONE!

Are you truly willing to work on the challenging tasks that move your business forward?

If you are willing to get really clear on what’s most important—and take action—your business can’t help but grow!

Learn to Prioritize Your Task List and Work First On What Matters Most, Always.

Try this: Prioritize your task list and clearly label items in order of their priority. When you’re deciding what to work on next, pick the most important item first and work on that, no matter how challenging it may be. No excuses.

Excuses can be deadly. If life gets in the way and you don’t feel like doing something, make a decision instead of making an excuse. Consider the consequences of not doing it, and then simply make a conscious choice to do it or not to do it. If you do decide against doing the task, give yourself full permission to back out of it at that point in time, but be sure to plan when you will do it instead. Then simply move on to the next priority item on your list.

Grow Your Time and Business

So many of us wish it was easier to run our own business. That we didn’t have to plan, stretch ourselves and do the hard stuff. I do too. But the truth is: until you do the hard stuff, your business will stay small.

And while you can’t add more hours to your day, with these 3 tips, you can effectively “have more time” by being more focused, and therefore more productive, with the time you have.

Are you ready to play a bigger game in your business? We all have tasks we know will grow our business. Identify yours and get them done. I guarantee that if you do, your business can’t help but grow.

And there’s a bonus: You’ll grow your confidence and self-belief too!

Emma Louise Elsey

Emma-Louise Elsey (Canada)

Emma-Louise Elsey has been coaching for more than 10 years and is founder of The Coaching Tools Company and Life Coach on the Go. Originally a project and relationship manager for Fortune 500 companies, she discovered coaching in 2003 and hasn't looked back.

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Comments (2)

  1. […] 3 easy tips to be more effective and make work more enjoyable […]

  2. Dear Emma
    Hello there
    Thanks for good post.

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