Here’s Why We Love to Hate Do-gooders
Why is it that the happiest, cheeriest co-worker is always the one we love to hate? There may be a scientific reason as to why. Researchers at the University of Guelph found that highly cooperative and generous people can attract hatred, especially in the workplace.
The study found that people are likely to be suspicious of and hostile towards people that come off as “better” or holier-than-thou in the workplace. To come to this conclusion, the researchers had participants play a public-goods game with punishment. They found that there were more antisocial punishments being given when people were being chosen to compete. Like, in the workplace.
“You can imagine within an organization today the attitude, ‘Hey, you’re working too hard and making the rest of us look bad.’ In some organizations, people are known for policing how hard others work, to make sure no one is raising the bar from what is expected,” says lead researcher Pat Barclay.
It’s interesting, most of the time we root for the cooperator, and want to see the antisocial “bad guy” lose. Yet, when faced with the same scenario in the workplace, if the “good guy” is better than us, we don’t like it.
This deep-rooted social stigma goes back a long way. Anthropological evidence from egalitarian hunter-gatherer societies suggests a similar social phenomenon prevented excellent hunters from dominating the group, Barclay says.
This social reasoning may also be in play when it comes to saving the planet. For example, people who think they are “too cool” to recycle would rather put off that image and make fun of those who do care.
“It is a way of bringing those people back down and stopping them from looking better than oneself in their attempts to protect the environment or address social inequality,” Barclay says.
We’ve all been guilty of thinking a not so great thought about someone who’s “better.” But, let’s all be careful and make sure this social dynamic doesn’t affect us too much.
Thank You for this article. I wanted to know if you have written how this affects good people in families as well.
I am super generous to everyone , i am always their to help when I see the need and am always the one doing it all , coming through , saving the day. (part of the reason is no one else seems to care enough) to help anyone.Also i am the oldest so my siblings grew up with me always doing everything better than they could. (because i was older but I don’t think they realized that was why)
I also came from a not wealthy at all family . I am the only one who has become a financial success.
My siblings can’t stand me , the better of them see me as I am , someone who loves people and knows what it is like to go without but even they still resent me.
But I think the reason is they are not seeing my success as just that. They are doing themselves an injustice by not realizing their own success. I feel they are not resenting me as much as they are feeling like failures, and just unhappy for whatever reasons . Because happy people are too busy being happy to hate others for no good reason .
I also feel that there are those that are knowingly selfish and have no desire to help anyone and will use others . I feel they hate me because they want to be like me, but know they are not built that way.
Thank You ,