ICF to Co-host Open Conversation on Coaching and the Climate Crisis - International Coaching Federation
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ICF to Co-host Open Conversation on Coaching and the Climate Crisis

Throughout November 2020, ICF will partner with coaching organizations around the world to host a series of open conversations on the Joint Global Statement.

Each call will be free and open to all members of the professional bodies that co-signed the Joint Global Statement, as well as non-members.

Representatives of the statement’s signatory bodies will co-facilitate the sessions.

ICF will host the first call, on November 2, 2020, from 10 – 11:15 a.m. (New York). Register to attend the ICF-hosted call here.

Subsequent calls will take place throughout the first half of November:

  • The Association for Coaching will host a call on November 5, from 9:45 – 11 a.m. (New York). Register here.
  • Coaches and Mentors of South Africa will host a call on November 6, from 2 – 3:15 a.m. (New York). Register here.
  • The Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches will host a call on November 9, from 5:30 – 6:45 a.m. (New York). Register here.
  • The Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision will host a call on November 11, from 2 – 3:15 p.m. (New York). Register here.
  • The European Mentoring and Coaching Council will host a call on November 13, from 7 – 8:15 a.m. (New York). Register here.

Comments (5)

  1. Hello!
    The November 9 link takes you directly to a Zoom meeting instead of it being a registration. Is there a link to the registration?
    Thank you!
    Anik Clemens

    • Abby Heverin says:

      This call is hosted by our colleagues at APAC. You can reach their president and liaison for the event, Dr. Anne Dolly K., at dranndolly{at}gmail{dot}com.

  2. judy@judymclennan.com.au says:

    So pleased to see this happening. When I joined the coaching community 20 years ago, there was a buzz about the profession the world needed, how we’d make a difference and then conversations drifted as have I. I’m glad to be reconnecting back with the profession and knowing ICF and the other coaching organisations are acknowledging what is and our role. Thank you

  3. So proud of the ICF for taking the lead in the initiating the conversation which so close to many coaches. I look forward to participating.

  4. Katy McGregor says:

    It would be great to have an update on what’s happening in this area since the signing of the pledge.

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