Coming Soon: ICF Credentialing Exam with a Scheduled Break - International Coaching Federation
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Coming Soon: ICF Credentialing Exam with a Scheduled Break

Beginning February 1, the ICF Credentialing Exam will allow for a five-minute scheduled break midway through the three-hour exam period This scheduled break will provide the opportunity for candidates to take a brief pause from their computer-based test, whether taking the exam in person at a Pearson VUE testing center or online via Pearson’s remote-proctored OnVUE testing service.

The 81 exam items will be delivered in two sections, with the five-minute break between these sections.

New Exam Schedule Format – Beginning February 1:

  1. Exam Instructions: 3 minutes.
  2. Section 1 (41 items): 87 minutes.
  3. Scheduled Break: 5 minutes.
  4. Section 2 (40 items): 85 minutes.

Since the launch of the ICF Credentialing Exam in August 2022, ICF Credentials and Standards has received feedback from candidates, educators, mentor coaches and chapters regarding the need for a brief break in the exam. We appreciate the feedback we’ve received, and we hope this important adjustment to the exam format will improve the experience for ICF Credential candidates.

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