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Exploring the Client’s View of the World to Uncover True Meaning

July 27, 2018

Everyone experiences the world in different ways. Starting in childhood, we have been influenced by our experiences as we constantly build and shift the lens we use to view the world around us. When a client comes to coaching, they start describing for us, through spoken language, a picture of their view of the world …read more.

The Art of Coaching Improvisationally

July 23, 2018

“The five minutes before the coaching conversation begins are the most important five minutes of the whole encounter.” I remember hearing this in coach training and feeling surprised. Surely the wrap-up is most critical, I thought to myself, in which actions steps are articulated and clarified. Or, the initial check-in, which sets the stage for …read more.

When the Client is Thinking of Suicide

July 11, 2018

John was working with his client Alice to formulate an action plan. “I’m just not in the mood to do any long-term planning right now,” Alice said. John picked up on the signal: “Have you been having thoughts of suicide?” “Yes.” Mary was rehearsing for an interview. Her coach, Tom, noted her mounting frustration about …read more.

Coaching a Coach: Is It a Challenge or an Opportunity?

July 2, 2018

While practicing coaching, we come across a wide variety of clients from different education levels, professional backgrounds and personalities. This happens to be one of the most rewarding and enriching parts of the coaching profession. But, what about coaching someone with a similar training to yours and from the same profession: a coach? Coaching a …read more.

Overcoming Impostor Syndrome in Your Coaching Business

June 25, 2018

The term “impostor syndrome” was coined by clinical psychologists Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes in 1978. In recent times, Amy Cuddy’s 2017 TED talk on feeling like a fraud, catapulted the concept of impostor syndrome into public awareness and into our everyday language. If you experience impostor syndrome, you may fear that you are going …read more.

Why It’s Nice Not to See You When We’re Coaching (And When It Finally Is)

June 21, 2018

Given all of our revolutionary tech options, I am often asked why my preferred method to coach is through—gasp—the phone. (No, it’s not so I can coach in my Hello Kitty tee with no one the wiser.) Put yourself on that very first call. It’s quite personal and intimate, with most of the emotional risk …read more.

Should We Get to the Root of a Problem?

June 12, 2018

Clients often come to coaching to experience a change in themselves. They can sometimes identify areas that they label as “problems” and engage in a coaching program to bring some resolution. This raises a key question for the coach: How much of the present “problem” do we need to explore with the client as a …read more.

To Agree or Not to Agree—That is the Question

May 30, 2018

What serious thought have you given to the roles, responsibilities and rights that you, your new client, and perhaps a sponsor have when entering a new coaching relationship? The ICF Code of Ethics and Core Competencies both call on coach practitioners to establish a coaching agreement based on the requirements of the specific coaching interaction. …read more.

How to Create Flow in a Coaching Session

May 28, 2018

People are most creative, productive and often happiest in the flow state, according to renowned psychologist Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi. Flow means concentrating fully on the task, being effortless with full of joy and being unconscious of time. Artists, athletes and people in a variety of fields experiencing “optimum” flow describe the experience in following words: having …read more.


May 25, 2018

LAZY. How does it sound when you hear this about someone? What impression does it give you of the working style of a coach or a leader? To attribute lazy behavior to a coach is a compliment in my eyes because this means that the client does the work in the coaching session. To say …read more.


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