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The Flows of Coaching

October 15, 2018

For a lot of coaches, the best feeling is when their client has their aha moment, breakthrough or an epiphany that turns the tide in their life. It is easy to become addicted to it, and when that epiphany isn’t there, a coach’s self-doubt may creep in. Being aware of the flows of coaching is …read more.

The Power of Play

October 8, 2018

“You can learn more about a person in an hour of play than you can from a lifetime of conversation.” —Plato Coaching conversations are fast becoming embedded within organizational culture as a way of nurturing and retaining talent. Research shows that engaging people in these types of conversation increases confidence, enhances performance and improves relationships. …read more.

Embodying Presence through a Martial Art

October 3, 2018

Aikido, often called the “Art of Peace,” is a practice that cultivates connecting and blending with a partner. I strive to do this, even before I physically connect with my partner. There is an energetic connection that precedes physical contact. Through that connection and contact, I guide my partner throughout the technique. We remain energetically …read more.

Extending Our Range of Coaching Gifts with the “Spectrum of Coaching Skills”

September 28, 2018

Coaches have different personalities and styles, meaning they bring a variety of approaches and “gifts” to their coaching work. All of us find certain coaching skills come more naturally to us than others. That’s fine, except when we allow our “natural” range of gifts to limit the ways in which we can work with clients. …read more.

Executive Presence: Coaching in a VUCA World

September 19, 2018

Disruption is pushing us ever faster toward an incredibly smart and creative future—one that demands dynamic leadership skills as: Computers double their capabilities every 12 to 18 months Intelligence explodes at a pace both incomprehensible and overwhelming Customers’ expectations become even more demanding and immense How can we up our game as we coach leaders …read more.

Why Letters Matter: The Importance of Being ICF Credentialed

September 17, 2018

One of the common questions I hear from coaches, regardless of their time in the industry, is “Do I need a credential to get clients?” My honest answer is “Not necessarily.” Many of us know coaches who do not hold credentials yet still have a full roster of clients and maybe even a waiting list.  …read more.

Using Emotional Intelligence as a Coach

September 10, 2018

As a coach, you’ve heard for years about emotional intelligence (EI). There are several models of EI; mine include the ability to recognize our feelings and those of other people, to manage our emotions and actions, and to skillfully interact with those around us. People with strengths in EI maintain emotional balance, even amid difficult …read more.

The Importance of Boundaries in Coaching

August 27, 2018

Coaches understand what boundaries are but, at a closer look, we discover the dimensions and underestimated impact of boundaries on coaching partnerships. With the following examples, you can see how perceptions of boundaries may affect the coaching relationship. A client says: “I’m not sure to what extent my coach may share information from our session …read more.

Coaching Overachievers

August 13, 2018

As coaches, we would all probably agree that we learn a lot from our clients. That’s why we love what we do. This is even more true in executive coaching, where occasionally, we do find ourselves coaching leaders who challenge us more than usual and where we have to consciously step up our game. These …read more.

Moving Down the Ladder: Using Powerful Questions to Help Clients Challenge their Assumptions and Improve Decisions

July 30, 2018

The amount and speed with which we receive information has almost become overwhelming. Couple that with the increased pressure to act more quickly, and many leaders find themselves with less and less time to think through a problem. Without analysis space, I am finding an increasing number of the leaders I work with are making …read more.


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