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The Silenced Female Leader

July 18, 2019

Imagine an executive leader has hired you as a coach to help her with issues that stem from lacking confidence, managing conflict and being more decisive. When you do your intake, you learn the following. She has worked hard to get the corner office, has a Ph.D. and has two decades of industry experience. She …read more.

How to Find and Clear Core Beliefs

July 12, 2019

Your client offers another excuse as to why they didn’t do what they committed to in your last session. You’ve seen this pattern lead to failure and know you need to focus on the underlying cause of procrastination and rationalization. How can you determine the cause, and help them transform it, moving them forward toward …read more.

Anyone Can Lead: Powerful Questions for Leadership Coaching

June 1, 2019

Leadership is an activity, not a position. It’s a verb, not a noun. Traditional definitions conflate leadership and authority. These definitions assume leadership is the work of an elite few in companies and communities. The burdens and the privileges of leadership belong to those at the top. The traditional notion of leadership is insufficient to …read more.

Shifting through the Seven Gears of a Coaching Conversation

April 22, 2019

As a professional coach, imagine that you are the chauffeur of every coaching conversation. Your client tells you their desired destination, and with your questions and observations, you drive them on their chosen route to their goal. The vehicle of this conversation is typically called a standard, manual or stick-shift car, depending on your country. …read more.

How a Coaching Mindset Helped Me Write My First Book

April 8, 2019

For over a decade as a leadership coach, I have noticed common challenges that my clients face. On multiple occasions, I have been asked if I would write a book that demonstrates how a coach can help individuals who are feeling overwhelmed by the demands of others, have an inability to say no to requests …read more.

Establishing an Agenda in Your Coaching Session

March 25, 2019

Early in my coaching career, I was fortunate to make—and get caught making—a major mistake. While listening to a recorded coaching session, my supervisor asked, “What was the agenda for this call?” I was stumped. My client and I began without ever agreeing on what we were talking about or why. There was no agenda. …read more.

Coaching for Effective Decision-making

March 21, 2019

People make decisions every day from the trivial to the critical, such as changing careers, launching a business or making a large purchase. But how good are our decisions? According to research by Dan Ariely, discussed in Predictably Irrational, we are predisposed to making irrational choices. The reason is that, at some point, instead of …read more.

Awareness as a Three-part Experience

March 14, 2019

Note: the following article addresses a concept established and used in psychotherapy. For coaches, this concept is not intended to be utilized in a therapeutic capacity, but as inspiration for a framework to support coaching clients in their work around awareness development. As coaches, we’re familiar with that moment of witnessing our clients in mental …read more.

Move into Breakthrough: Movement as an Intentional Strategy

February 6, 2019

Los Angeles, California, USA With arms folded and their gaze down, one person quietly controls the tension in the room. Recognizing we may be stuck before we start, I grab the large, playful markers on the table and ask each person to pick a color. Putting the marker in their hand, I invite the team …read more.

Time for a Conversation about Free Time

February 1, 2019

I have recently conducted research with entrepreneurs on the challenges, fears and frustrations of finding more free time outside of work, and we, as coaches, might want to look at this idea a bit closer. We are usually engaged to coach around performance and results. What if valuing and using free time constructively caused an …read more.


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