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Coaching Through a Gender and Justice Lens

September 19, 2019

When we are coaching for a better world, we must remember this undeniable truth: previous generations of women had a much higher tolerance for injustice in many forms. This itself is a sign of great progress. What was once tolerable has become intolerable. This means people are expecting more of themselves and each other. This …read more.

Deep Coaching

September 9, 2019

Using Philosophical Coaching to Improve the Effectiveness,  Relevance and Value of the Coaching Conversation Traditional life coaching has proven itself to be indispensable in helping those who struggle with goal setting, motivation, time management, accountability, organization and other contextual issues, any one of which can spell the difference between success and failure. Like traditional life …read more.

3 Ways to Improve Nonverbal Communication in Coaching Sessions

September 4, 2019

“I don’t really know you, so I’m not sure you intend this interpretation, but why do you say ‘mmmm’ when your client answers a question? You sound very negative,” offered a peer who was listening to a session. I sat on the other end of the call stunned, my jaw suddenly gaping wide open. Negative? …read more.

Multi-stakeholder Contracting in Executive Coaching

August 28, 2019

Whereas previously a coaching assignment may have involved two key parties (coach and coachee), increasingly, it is evident that there are more than just these two people who have an interest in the work and the outcomes, as explored by Eve Turner and Peter Hawkins. This is not surprising of course, given that Business and …read more.

Delivering Effective Feedback

August 27, 2019

Giving feedback is a critical skill in the workplace and in any social interaction. The effectiveness of the feedback, however, depends on the way it is delivered. Too much criticism may discourage people; too much praise may not help them either. If the goal of giving feedback is to help people improve and help companies …read more.

Beyond SMART Goals

August 22, 2019

When are SMART goals not so SMART? Even asking the question feels borderline heretical. My coach training extolled the virtues of goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable (or sometimes Audacious), Relevant and Time-limited. As a coach, I love helping clients take their grand hopes and intentions and whittle them down into purposeful action. It never …read more.

The Inner Work of Leadership Coaches

August 19, 2019

Leadership starts within. As leaders, we naturally and inevitably bring ourselves into our work. The same is true with leadership coaches: In order to serve and support leaders, coaches need to be able to access themselves in a way that they can use themselves as instruments. A familiar scene comes to mind: Before an airplane …read more.

Co-Creating Across Cultures: The Importance of Pre-Work

August 5, 2019

Tokyo, Japan At our second session, I ask my client what she wants to work on. She shifts uncomfortably in her chair, with an audible, “Huh?” Sensing she wants me to choose for her, I ask how she is doing with her first session action items, which she does not remember. After further inquiry, she …read more.

How To Meet Clients Where They Are

July 30, 2019

Several years ago, I hired a coach to support my developmental journey and learn from his coaching style. Early on, out of the blue, he asked about my spiritual practice. I was confused and said that I was not religious. He tried to clarify, “How do you connect with your most intimate being?” He threw …read more.

The Art of Listening for Coaches

July 22, 2019

There are many resources on public speaking, and there are practical tips on how to become a better speaker. But, how do you become a better listener, and why do you want to be one? Habit 5 in the book, The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People, by Stephen Covey, states: “Seek first to understand, …read more.


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