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Asking Ourselves the Hard Questions

November 22, 2019

As coaches, we are expertly skilled in helping clients achieve more together than if they continued to “go it alone.” We do this by using the tools of coaching, including active listening, and by asking very powerful questions; both help us assist our clients toward solutions that can result in their next level of success. …read more.

The Ubiquitous Pepper Mill: Using Ordinary Items for Extraordinary Coaching

November 18, 2019

Sitting in the quiet staff canteen, I wondered how to break the deadlock; my client was diving into detail, immersing themselves in the minutiae of work with habitual aplomb. We had been here before and if something didn’t change we would be again, same challenge, different plan. They paused and I seized the opportunity. “How …read more.

Self-Compassion: A Foundation for Awareness and Action

November 15, 2019

Along the way toward goal achievement, and within life generally, each of us experiences painful times and falling short of our ideals.  Allowing ourselves and our clients to experience these times with self-compassion can lead to awareness and growth. Self-compassion allows you to nurture yourself.  In my own life, self-compassion has been an important tool …read more.

Creating Intimacy in Coaching: Lessons from My Love Life

October 22, 2019

As coaches, we know how important trust and intimacy are for a powerful coaching relationship, and not only because of our familiarity with ICF Core Competency #3. It’s the foundation for open, reflective, insightful coaching, and it is vital for our clients to create the deeper shifts, which make lasting impacts on their lives. And …read more.

Coaching Supervision

October 17, 2019

Coaching supervision offers coaches an opportunity to access continuous professional development through reflection and dialogue in a safe, supportive and confidential space. If we look closer at the word itself: super-vision meaning over-sight, the practice of supervision is for the coach and their supervisor to reflect together and have over-sight of the coach’s practice in …read more.

Coaching Across the Generation Gap

October 16, 2019

Coaching across generations can be tricky. You may wonder: Who are these Millennials?  Who is Generation Z?  What are they like and what do they care about?  It can feel like, if only we could understand them, we would be able to meet them better where they are. Similarly, you may wonder about the methods …read more.

The 21 Skills of Spiritual Intelligence

October 14, 2019

It is estimated that on average we lose 10-30% of every day to ego-driven drama. That’s between five weeks to four months every year; that’s between seven and 21 years of an adult lifetime. What could be done with that time instead? And more importantly how can we minimize—if not eliminate—this waste of time and …read more.

Step Outside: Walk and Talk Coaching

October 9, 2019

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” —Confucius The advantages of heading outdoors and being immersed in nature, combined with physical movement, is increasingly attracting attention as scientific research from a range of disciplines, which promote the benefits (see table 1), is publicized through mainstream and social media platforms. The opportunity …read more.

How Leaders Can Grow Their Self-Management in Times of Change

October 2, 2019

The world is changing, and many companies are applying new management techniques that focus on collaboration, collective intelligence and a greater individual autonomy. Companies are making these changes not only to react faster to ongoing transitions, but also to create a better, more fulfilled workplace. However, creating such changes requires a lot of effort: new …read more.

How to Coach Millennials from a Millennial

September 27, 2019

Millennials are about to make up over half of the world’s workforce. Being able to effectively coach them will become paramount to the sustainability of any coach’s practice. And, overgeneralizing the common issues associated with working with millennials can inhibit a powerful relationship between coach and client. This article is intended to support coaches in …read more.


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