50K Strong: Celebrating New ICF Credential-Holder Milestone - International Coaching Federation
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50K Strong: Celebrating New ICF Credential-Holder Milestone

As more individuals around the world are turning to coaching to transform their lives, more coaches are committing to the gold standard in coaching. We are pleased to share that in January, our community achieved a tremendous milestone — reaching 50,000 active ICF credential-holders worldwide for the first time in our organization’s history! 

Our growth has not only been in numbers, but also in global diversity. In 1998, we welcomed the first 34 ICF credential-holders — all of whom were from North America. Today, we are 50,000 strong, living and working in more than 140 countries and territories in every region of the world.  

These record numbers not only mark a pivotal moment in the history of ICF, but also for the coaching profession and every ICF credential-holder. They reflect a strong demand across the world for this internationally recognized designation. We are grateful for your commitment to the highest standards in our profession and for being an integral part of this growing community.  

We could not have reached this milestone without you. Every day, you demonstrate your commitment to professional and ethical practice, dedicate your life to supporting clients to maximize their potential, and shine a light on the power of coaching to create a better world for tomorrow. 

Thank you for being a part of this important achievement. We invite you to celebrate this momentous occasion; and especially your hard work and that of every ACC, PCC, and MCC worldwide. Here’s how you can do so: 

1. Share Your ICF Credential Digital Badge on Social Media 

Share your ICF Credential Digital Badge on your preferred social media outlet and tell the world what this milestone and your ICF credential mean to you. Don’t forget to tag ICF and use the hashtags #ICFShineOn and #50KStrong. 

2. Reflect and Inspire with a Testimonial 

We invite you to record a short video of yourself, reflecting on the value and impact of your journey as an ICF credential-holder. Your words could inspire fellow coaches to make the same commitment to excellence that you have. 

We’ll be watching and sharing your posts! You’ll also have a chance to be featured in ICF newsletters and other communication.  

Thank you for shining as an ICF credential-holder and helping ICF shine a brighter light on the power of coaching!  

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