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Aspiring to Become: How Values Drive Aspiration

November 6, 2023

As a developmental coach, I work with people on who they want to be, not on what they will do or have. The outcome, of course, is that changes in who we decide to be drive corresponding changes in both actions and results. At the core of developmental coaching lies a foundational question of aspiration: Who do I want to become?


Why Letters Matter: The Importance of Being ICF Credentialed

September 17, 2018

One of the common questions I hear from coaches, regardless of their time in the industry, is “Do I need a credential to get clients?” My honest answer is “Not necessarily.” Many of us know coaches who do not hold credentials yet still have a full roster of clients and maybe even a waiting list.  …read more.


Coaches Discovering Personal Accountability with ICF Credentialing

April 23, 2024

When looking at options for coaching education and professional development, I found the International Coaching Federation (ICF) to be the only forum that prioritizes coaching accountability through its 360-degree process.

Coaching World

Letting Go of Boundaries to Reinvent Work/Life Balance

February 5, 2015

Work/life balance continues to be a top leadership issue. It is arguably the most common challenge facing high-level executives, mid-level managers, small-business owners and individual contributors. As coaches, we know that achieving work/life balance is a very personal journey and we witness firsthand the challenges our clients face in building their own, individualized definitions of …read more.

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