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Public Relations for Coaches

How to Communicate Your Coaching Story During COVID-19

June 17, 2020

While the COVID-19 pandemic has affected different parts of the world in different ways, one thing appears to be true almost everywhere: The virus has seriously impacted newsrooms and shifted how reporters tell their stories. What has not changed is journalists’ desire to seek out human-interest narratives. This approach has been particularly powerful in showing …read more.

Connected Coaching: Using Social Media to Stay Engaged During the Pandemic

June 5, 2020

Although much of the world is beginning to emerge from lockdown in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are still somewhat limited in our physical interactions. During this time, many individuals have turned to social media platforms to stay connected, and the community of coaches is no exception. Clients are still seeking their services—in …read more.

The Power of Following Up When Coaches Work with Media

May 18, 2020

Editors’ and reporters’ inboxes are filled with hundreds of emails daily from experts, public relations professionals and others vying for their attention. Sometimes your initial outreach may get lost or overlooked, despite a reporter’s best intentions. Knowing the proper way to follow up on your pitch can make the difference between earning a fantastic feature …read more.

Why Coaches Should Cross-Promote on Social Media (Instead of Cross-Post)

March 6, 2020

As for any business owner, part of being a coach involves building your online platform to connect with current and potential clients through appropriate online channels. A multi-platform approach increases your online exposure and audience engagement, which can also lead to new coaching clients. But it is important to remember this is not a one-size-fits-all …read more.

Using Editorial Calendars to Plan for Media Opportunities

January 3, 2020

In previous posts, we’ve established that earning media coverage can be a great way to share your coaching passion and insights, as well as demonstrate your expertise to new potential clients and build your coaching business. We’ve also given you the tools to start planning for your new year of media opportunities. If you’re already …read more.

Media Relations for Coaches: Top Insights of 2019

December 6, 2019

2019 started off like any new year—with a steadfast commitment to resolutions. As a coach, you play an important role in helping your clients hold themselves accountable for their new goals. Did you do the same for your own goals to increase your profile with media engagement? Reflection is a necessary quality for anyone who …read more.

How to Build Your Twitter Following as a Coach

October 4, 2019

Twitter is an excellent social media platform that lets us keep up to date on news, popular culture and other trending topics. It can also be a useful way for coaches—and thought leaders of any industry—to showcase their expertise and build connections, 280 characters at a time. As is the case with any social media …read more.

How to Prepare for a Podcast Interview

September 6, 2019

Podcasts have exploded in popularity, thanks in part to Spotify and other online media aggregates that have made the now-mainstream format accessible to a wider audience. Fifty percent of Americans have listened to one for entertainment, leisure or learning. Worldwide, Latin America and China are the fastest-growing geographies for the medium. Google has indexed more …read more.

How to Present Your Subject-matter Expertise

August 2, 2019

You’ve learned how to connect with media and how to build your pitch. What is the next step? When you finally land an opportunity to present your expertise to the public through targeted media outlets, you have the opportunity to position yourself as a thought leader. In doing so, you provide useful insight to your …read more.

The Anatomy of a Media Pitch

July 5, 2019

My colleague, Sonia Abdulbaki, and I have written extensively about coaches can hone media relations skills to position themselves as thought leaders, increase their exposure and connect with new audiences. But what does this look like in practice from start to finish? Let’s take a walk through the process. In this simulation, I will play …read more.


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