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Public Relations for Coaches

How to Bring Your Coaching News to the Media

March 4, 2022

Nothing can boost a business quite as much as positive coverage by the media. There are many ways you can secure newsworthy inclusion in print, broadcast or online media outlets. Taking full advantage of your expertise, experience and excellence is a great way to start.  The challenge for many coaching professionals wishing to expand their …read more.

How to Write an Article That Will Showcase Your Expertise

February 4, 2022

As an ICF Member or Credential-holder, you are an expert others wish to learn from. You are a thought leader on coaching, its best practices and the industry itself. Given this positioning, there is much you can do to advance your brand, your practice and the industry by sharing your knowledge.   Many publications and …read more.

Steps to Achieving Your Business Goals in the New Year

January 7, 2022

No matter who you coach, what your niche is or why you got into the industry one thing always comes to mind at this time of year for those in the coaching industry: resolutions.  Setting goals and making resolutions for the new year is a rite of passage as each December comes and goes. Not only is this a great tool for self-motivation, but it also allows us to …read more.

What Is Thought Leadership?

December 3, 2021

As one piece of its expanding ecosystem, the International Coaching Federation (ICF) introduced the ICF Thought Leadership Institute this year as “a global hub of shared knowledge for human development designed to help create and influence the future of coaching.” The expressed mission of ICF Thought Leadership Institute is to showcase how coaching sustainably contributes …read more.

Integrating ICF Core Values into Your Personal Brand

November 5, 2021

As a coach, building a personal brand is an incredible tool in advancing your professional life. You are strategically telling people the story of who you are, and as a coach, it’s likely your connection to ICF plays a meaningful role in that story. By integrating ICF’s Core Values into your personal brand, you have an opportunity to demonstrate the highest standard of professionalism for the …read more.

Building your Coaching Brand Online

October 4, 2021

Professional coaches have the incredible opportunity to positively impact the lives of their clients. The relationship between coach and client allows for new and creative ways to tap into potential and increase productivity levels for both parties. A great way for coaches to maximize their own business in this continuously advancing digital world is to build a professional brand online and apply it across all of your accounts and …read more.

What is a Media Kit and What Can It Do for Coaches?

September 3, 2021

One of the most effective public relations tools that coaches can utilize in their business is an organized and succinct media kit.  This tool can help you build a relationship with reporters, earn media coverage and accomplish promotional goals as a coach. This includes raising awareness of the industry, demonstrating your expertise, or providing details about a big announcement. When used strategically, providing a media kit to reporters can help you distinguish yourself in …read more.

How to Leverage the Power of a Coaching Newsletter

August 6, 2021

Coaches wear many hats, particularly when it comes to running their own businesses. Beyond requiring the knowledge to guide and support clients as they navigate life’s biggest transitions, a coach needs to be an effective business owner who can adequately market and promote both themselves and their services. One challenge that comes with this business …read more.

Mastering the Art of Writing and Pitching an Opinion Piece

July 2, 2021

Being viewed as an expert on the coaching industry and the value of coaching can provide great benefit for your business. One way to achieve such distinction is to create opinion pieces for respected publications. Opinion articles traditionally are published in print media opposite the editorial page, hence the shorthand term ‘op-ed.’ These articles generally …read more.

Tips for On-Camera Interviews

May 7, 2021

With online video on the rise and television news still in high demand, there have never been more opportunities to tell the coaching story on camera. Video is a compelling medium noted for its ability to draw attention, increase viewer engagement and even improve viewers’ memory of the topic long after watching. But it can …read more.


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