CCE Accreditation - International Coaching Federation
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CCE Accreditation

Continuing Coach Education (CCE) is intended for education organizations and institutions who are interested in having their education and training program accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). CCE is considered supplemental and continuing education for those wishing to acquire new learning, professional development and/or those who are renewing their ICF Credential. 

Continuing Coach Education (CCE) units are earned upon completing Continuing Coach Education. CCE units are awarded in two categories: 

  • Core Competencies: Supplemental and continuing coach education that directly relates to or expands upon the ICF Core Competencies 
  • Resource Development: Education in skills that contribute to a coach’s professional development (e.g., personal development, coaching tools or assessments, business building, or other material that falls outside the ICF Core Competencies) 

If you are delivering educational content that is considered, foundational or initial coach-specific education, you are not eligible for the CCE Accreditation Process and will need to apply for a Level 1 or Level 2 Accreditation. 

Because CCE accreditations are designed for supplemental and continuing education for those wishing to acquire new learning and professional development, no singular program may exceed 40 clock hours. However, multiple segments of 40 hours may be linked as a progressive continuing education development path. 

If you are delivering educational content that only qualifies as Resource Development CCE (education in personal development, coaching assessments or tools, business building, or other material that falls outside of the ICF Core Competencies), you are not eligible for the CCE Accreditation Process. You will not be granted the same privileges as an officially accredited CCE provider (i.e. permission to use CCE logo and a listing on ICF Education Search Service.) 

You may award RD CCE units via your own certificate, letter or email on letterhead with participant name, name of the event/class, date, and number of hours completed. 

CCE accreditation application fees are non-refundable and do not guarantee accreditation approval. CCE accreditation is valid for one calendar year.

Applications Now Open

Updated Application Requirements

  • Organization Information

    • Organization Details: Name of organization, mailing address, website, and telephone number. 
    • Organization Description: Brief description of the organization that is delivering the education and training program. Keep in mind this information will be used for ICF review and will also be posted to the Education Search Service (ESS) for prospective participants. 
    • Contact Information: Contact information for the ICF application contact. This person, and only this person, will be contacted by ICF regarding the application process. This person agrees to ensure that the organization adheres to all CCE Accreditation criteria, ICF Coaching Education Accreditation Code of Conduct, and the ICF Code of Ethics. 
  • Program Description and Delivery Method

    Please provide a brief description of the program being offered and the delivery method in which they are offered. You may choose one of the following options: 

    • Synchronous Learning (SL) refers to a learning environment allowing synchronous (real-time) interactions between faculty and participants. This may include time spent in direct instruction, real-time discussions, observation and feedback or practice coaching sessions, and mentoring participants. SL CCE may be delivered live via lecture, telephone conference, or webinar. 
    • Asynchronous Learning (AL) refers to a learning environment outside of real-time interaction between faculty and participants. These may include outside reading, writing, research, journaling, and various other activities that may occur outside of the synchronous setting. For the first time in ICF history, CCE education and training programs that offer 100% of their program in AL, will be qualified to submit a CCE application.
  • Verification of Learning

    The ICF will require a robust verification of Asynchronous Learning (AL); proof of a verification model must be demonstrated within the CCE application. Examples of Verification of Learning include, but are not limited to: 

    • Triad/Fishbowl- Participant will demonstrate technique presented in AL (practice with instructor present) 
    • Testing- Participant will complete a written exam in which AL is verified in some capacity by instructor/organization. An example of the test must be available and uploaded in the application 
    • Journaling or Paper- Participant will create a piece of work that summarizes/expands upon AL, which will be submitted to instructor(s) for approval. Criteria for acceptable submission must be outlined for ICF Accreditation Coordinator 
    • Other- CCE applicants will be given an opportunity to create and outline a verification model that ensures demonstrated learning of the AL material within the application 
      • A documented demonstration of learning is required 
      • Validity of these methods will be decided on a case-by-case basis; acceptance of the model is at the Accreditation Coordinator’s discretion 
  • Required Details

    Please provide the following details: 

    • Language(s) in which your education program is delivered 
    • Target audience for your organization 
    • Learning objectives (i.e., what participants will learn from your education program) 
    • Requirement’s participants must meet to receive a certificate of completion 
    • How participant attendance is monitored 
    • Location(s) and date(s) the education and training will be delivered 
  • Course Materials

    Course materials must be uploaded with the CCE Accreditation Application. Please submit at least one of the following: 

    • Course materials (participant or instructor’s manual, handouts, PowerPoints, or any other materials for your course) 
    • Promotional materials (fliers, brochures, or any other marketing pieces for your course) 

    Course materials may be submitted in the following file formats: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .csv, .txt, .rtf, .html, .zip, .mp3, .wma, .mpg, .flv, .avi, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .xlsx. 

  • Detailed Program Schedule

    CCE applicants are required to provide a detailed schedule with instructional time for the program submitted for accreditation. Please ensure the program schedule contains the following:

    • Number of hours spent in training (e.g., 2.5 hours). Do not include breaks.
    • Instructional time; i.e., actual clock time spent in training (e.g., 8–10:30 a.m.). Do not include breaks.
    • Name of instructor delivering that portion of the training
    • Description of the content being covered and the method of delivery
    • CCE category (i.e., Core Competency or Resource Development)

    Download a sample detailed program schedule below. Using this form will make the program review process easier and more efficient.

  • Required Consent

    Detailed statements of agreement, compliance and limitation, duty to notify and payment agreements are included in the sample application and online CCE accreditation application. Applicants must consent to these agreements as part of the application process. 

  • Application Fees

    1-3 Contact Hours
    $150 USD review fee

    4-10 Contact Hours
    $300 USD review fee

    11-20 Contact Hours
    $500 USD review fee

    21-30 Contact Hours
    $750 USD review fee

    31-40 Contact Hours
    $1,000 USD review fee

Chapter CCE Application

Official ICF Chapter representatives may use the Chapter CCE application to submit Chapter training for review. That application can be found at the link below.

If you have questions or need support about Continuing Coach Education, please visit the ICF Support page. 

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