Membership Archives - International Coaching Federation
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What is the ICF Member Directory?

September 2, 2022

The ICF Member Directory is a way for ICF Members to network with each other. This directory displays a Member’s name, email address and other limited information and can be accessed only by other ICF Members.  

How do I access webinars and recordings?

September 2, 2022

The majority of webinars and recordings are available on the ICF Learning Portal.  Recordings are typically available on the session’s learning page within 48 hours of the live session. To access the session recording checkpoint, and to claim educational credit:   Log into the ICF Learning Portal using your ICF login information (it is the same …read more.

Can I provide a direct link to my Credentialed Coach Finder (CCF) profile listing?

September 2, 2022

A direct link to an individual CCF listing can be accessed by searching for the coach in CCF and viewing their profile. The URL in your web browser at this point will include that coach’s unique link in the CCF. 

What if my coaching specialty is not listed as an option in the Credentialed Coach Finder (CCF)?

September 2, 2022

The Credentialed Coach Finder (CCF) offers a number of the most popular coaching specialties to choose from. If you do not see your specific specialty listed, choose whatever seems to best represent your services. You can always state your coaching specialty within the text section of your listing.

My enhanced listing in the Credentialed Coach Finder (CCF) expired. What should I do?

September 2, 2022

Your enhanced listing in the Credentialed Coach Finder (CCF) expires on an annual basis. You can renew this enhanced listing annually upon expiration. When it’s time to renew your Enhanced Profile Listing you will see the expiration date. The best way to gauge when renewal is needed is to check your invoices for the purchase …read more.

How do I purchase an enhanced listing in the Credentialed Coach Finder (CCF)?

September 2, 2022

All ICF-credentialed Members receive a free listing in the Credentialed Coach Finder (CCF). An enhanced listing is a paid option that enables you to include more content, like videos, in your listing. To purchase an enhanced listing, go to the ICF website. Once you are logged into the website, navigate to your Member Profile and …read more.

What is an enhanced listing in the Credentialed Coach Finder (CCF)? What are its benefits?

September 2, 2022

All ICF-credentialed Members receive a free listing in the Credentialed Coach Finder (CCF). An enhanced listing is a paid option ($150 USD) that enables you to include more content, like videos, in your listing. You can renew your enhanced listing annually. 

How long will a request for proposal (RFP) remain active in the Credentialed Coach Finder?

September 2, 2022

Requests for Proposal (RFPs) will remain active until 11:59 pm (New York) on the expiration date, which is approximately 6 weeks from the submission date. 

How much does it cost to have a listing in the Credentialed Coach Finder (CCF)?

September 2, 2022

There is no cost for ICF-credentialed Members to have a listing within the Credentialed Coach Finder (CCF). However, you may choose to purchase an enhanced listing ($150 USD) that includes the ability to add videos and other content on your listing. You can renew this enhanced listing annually. 

How will Credentialed Members I know when they have been sent an RFP?

September 2, 2022

When a request for proposal (RFP) is submitted to you through the CCF, you will receive an automatic email from ICF letting you know that a prospective client has found you in the CCF and would like to learn more about your services. This email will include the ID number, date and expiration date of …read more.


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