Applying for a Credential Archives - Page 3 of 4 - International Coaching Federation
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Do I need to upload my coaching log into the ICF Credential application?

August 25, 2022

Due to data privacy laws, you will not upload your client coaching log to ICF. You will enter your total number of coaching hours you have acquired into the application and attest that you have obtained them in accordance with the requirements If you are selected for an audited, you (not ICF) will reach out …read more.

I completed my coaching education with a provider that is not accredited by ICF. Can I still apply for an ICF Credential with non-accredited education hours?

August 25, 2022

Yes, you may use non-ICF accredited programs towards your credential education hours.  You will apply through the Portfolio Application Path.      NOTE: You will need to submit robust documentation to show what you were taught in the program and that it fulfils ICF Education requirements.   Visit the Education Requirements page to learn more about what is …read more.

What is the difference between the application paths? Is one path better than another?

August 25, 2022

All paths are created to have the same five (5) criteria for a credential application. The path you take depends on the type of coaching education you received.  All paths lead to the same credential. No one path is better than another.  All application paths require:   Coaching Education   Mentor Coaching   Coaching Experience Hours   Recorded/Observed Coaching …read more.

Are ICF Credential-holders required to be ICF Members?

August 25, 2022

The ICF Credential stands independent from ICF Membership.    This is an important provision of compliance with globally accepted standards for bodies operating individual certification programs. The value of an ICF Credential as an industry-wide marker of an individual’s commitment to ongoing professional development and outstanding professional practice is distinct from the benefits of ICF Membership …read more.

Do I have to get an ICF Credential?

August 25, 2022

If you are serious about developing your coaching business, an ICF Credential is the best way to set yourself apart by demonstrating your knowledge, skill and commitment to high ethical and professional standards. However, because coaching is not regulated by any country or state, you are not required to get training or credentials.

Can I list my ICF Credential as “Pending” once I’ve submitted the application?

August 25, 2022

No. You may only reference an ICF Credential in your marketing information, website or other materials after it has been officially granted by ICF. Because submission of an application does not guarantee that you will be granted an ICF Credential, referencing an ICF Credential prior to official receipt is misleading and potentially unethical. Making a …read more.

Do I have to earn a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) Credential before I can apply for the Master Certified Coach (MCC) Credential?

August 25, 2022

Yes. To apply for the MCC, you must hold or have held a PCC credential.

Do I have to earn an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) Credential before I can apply for the Professional Certified Coach (PCC) Credential?

August 25, 2022

No – you may apply directly to the PCC when you meet all requirements.  You do not need the ACC first.

How do I get my credentials through ICF?

August 12, 2022

Once you have met all the requirements to apply for a credential, you will need to click on “Credentials & Standards” in the menu bar and then on the “apply now” button on the resulting gray navigation bar and take a short survey to get you to the right level and application type.   Take the …read more.

How long does my ICF Credential remain active?

August 12, 2022

All credentials are valid for 3 years.  To renew your credential, you will need an additional 40 CCEs obtained after your credential was awarded or after the last renewal of the credential was granted. Visit the Credential Renewal page to learn more.


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