December 7, 2022
All ICF certification and credentialing applications are available online, including the ACTC application. To complete the application form, candidates will be required to have or create a profile on the ICF website. Once a candidate submits the online application, it will be reviewed by ICF Credentials and Standards. Please note that any missing or incomplete …read more.
December 7, 2022
To earn the ACTC, a candidate must first meet all eligibility requirements and submit an application to ICF Credentials and Standards. Once application materials are reviewed and approved, the candidate must complete and pass the ICF Team Coaching Certification Exam.
December 7, 2022
The ACTC is designed for professionally trained coaches who provide team coaching services in alignment with the ICF Team Coaching Competencies. These coaches commit to uphold the ICF Code of Ethics, engage in ongoing professional development and seek to distinguish themselves in the fast growing and increasingly competitive team coaching marketplace. The ACTC provides evidence …read more.
December 7, 2022
As organizations recognize the power of teams to innovate and drive their business or mission forward, the need to harness the collective energy, experience and capabilities of teams is now more important than ever. Increasingly, organizations are turning to team coaches to help them do just that. That’s why team coaching is one of the …read more.