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ICF Credentials and Standards News

Renew Your Credential Early for Exclusive Benefits

September 19, 2023

If you haven’t yet renewed your ICF credential, take advantage of exclusive early renewal benefits before September 30. Credential-holders eligible for renewal in 2023 who renew or upgrade their credential by September 30 will receive a link to a free course to earn CCE units for your next renewal cycle. Renew or upgrade your credential …read more.

Renew Your Credential Early for Exclusive Benefits

September 19, 2023

If you haven’t yet renewed your ICF credential, take advantage of exclusive early renewal benefits before September 30. Credential-holders eligible for renewal in 2023 who renew or upgrade their credential by September 30 will receive a link to a free course to earn CCE units for your next renewal cycle. Renew early and receive the …read more.

Start Today: Create a Plan for Your Credential Renewal

September 19, 2023

ICF credentials are valid for three years following the award date or the date of the last renewal. All credential-holders are required to obtain an additional 40 CCE units for renewal. Start today with a plan to obtain your credits for your next credential renewal cycle. Find CCE Units in the ICF Learning Portal Whether …read more.

ICF Presents: Credentialing Webinar Series Part 6

September 19, 2023

Mark your calendar for the final installment in this year’s six-part credentialing series on November 7 at 11 a.m. (New York). As an ICF credential-holder you have the opportunity to give back to your community with the ICF Foundation’s Ignite Initiatives. Join us and learn how to create a ripple effect of positive impact in your community. …read more.

ICF Credentialing Exam: Expanded Language Options Available!

September 19, 2023

The ICF Credentialing Exam now offers language aids in Czech, Polish, and Portuguese. Thanks to the support of volunteers, ICF Credentials and Standards has published the ICF Credentialing Exam with language aids in Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish. These language aids allow candidates to …read more.

Your Input Needed: Help Develop ICF Credential Programs

September 19, 2023

The ICF Credentials and Standards team is looking for subject matter experts (SMEs) to help develop and maintain the ICF credential programs. As an SME volunteer, you will work closely with ICF staff to contribute to the certification process and ensure ICF credentials continue to reflect the highest standards in coaching. To be eligible, you …read more.

Share Your Success as an ICF Credential-Holder!

September 19, 2023

Share Your Success as an ICF Credential-Holder! As an ICF credential-holder, you are part of a distinguished community of coach practitioners committed to the highest standards of professional and ethical coaching practice. Celebrate your success by sharing your credentialing journey with others. By sharing your real-life story with other coaches, you can inspire them to …read more.

Updated Candidate Guides Now Available

September 13, 2023

ICF Credentials and Standards has released updated candidate guides for each level of credentialing. The ACC, PCC, and MCC Candidate Guides are designed to serve as a comprehensive resource to assist credential candidates with all aspects of the credentialing process, including completing the application form, what to expect on exam day, and how to renew …read more.

Your Feedback Requested: ICF Website Usage

July 18, 2023

As ICF continues working toward an enhanced digital experience for all stakeholders, we invite you to participate in a brief survey that will help us understand how you use our website, coachingfederation.org, and how we can improve it. We anticipate that the survey should take about 15 minutes of your time. You’ll find questions about your more …read more.

It’s Never Too Soon: Tips for Professional Development and Credential Renewal

July 18, 2023

ICF credentials are valid for three years following the award date or the date of the last renewal. It’s never too early to create a professional development plan for your next credential renewal cycle! Mentor Coaching Hours Can Fulfill CCE Requirements in Core Competencies To support ongoing development of coaching skills, ACC credential-holders are required …read more.


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