Chapter Leader News Archives - Page 8 of 13 - International Coaching Federation
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Chapter Leader News

ICF Celebrates 2018 Chapter Recognition Honorees

April 9, 2019

Thirteen ICF Chapters were named 2018 Chapter Recognition honorees during a March 22, 2019, awards banquet at the 2019 ICF Global Leaders Forum in Dublin, Ireland. The 2018 ICF Chapter Recognition honorees are: ICF Australasia ICF Cleveland ICF Connecticut ICF Egypt ICF France ICF Hong Kong ICF Kenya ICF Luxembourg ICF New York City ICF …read more.

International Coaching Week

April 2, 2019

International Coaching Week 2019 (ICW) is this month from April 29–May 5, 2019! Let’s work together to help more people experience coaching than ever before. Have you started planning? Our ICW Guide and toolkit is available to help you plan your events. Action you can take: Download and use the marketing resources in the ICW 2019 …read more.

Membership Renewal Season

April 2, 2019

All ICF Memberships expired on March 31, 2019. As an ICF Chapter Leader, we appreciate the major role you play in ensuring the success and growth of ICF. Please share the link to the ICF Renewal page on your chapter website and encourage chapter members to renew their ICF Memberships before the expiration date. In …read more.

New ICF PR Webinar - Public Relations for Events

April 2, 2019

We have recorded a new Public Relations webinar for chapter leaders, called “Public Relations for Events.” In it, we cover earning media coverage for events, approaching and engaging the media and creating media relationships. With International Coaching Week coming up in less than a month, we felt it would be a good resource for chapters who …read more.

ICF Global Leaders Forum 2019

April 2, 2019

Thank you to all Chapter Leaders who attended the GLF 2019! In total, almost 200 attendees from more than 50 countries attended the event, which took place March 21 – 23 in Dublin, Ireland.   We hope that the training was informative, that the networking was the beginning of partnerships and friendships, and that we …read more.

Ignite Conversations: Trends from Data

April 2, 2019

Join the ICF Foundation for Ignite Conversations on the topic of trends from data collected to date. Facilitated by Lisa Ann Edwards, the partner for Ignite measurement, we will review findings from 27 completed projects from around the globe. This webinar will be held April 2, 2019 at 10 a.m. (New York). To attend, register …read more.

2018 Chapter Recognition Award Winners

April 2, 2019

ICF Chapters are the voice and presence of ICF and professional coaching in their respective communities. ICF celebrates high-performing Chapters through its Chapter Recognition Program. Congratulations to the following Chapters for receiving the award:   ICF Australasia ICF Cleveland ICF Connecticut ICF Egypt ICF France ICF Hong Kong ICF Kenya ICF Luxembourg ICF New York …read more.

Marketing Stimulus

April 2, 2019

Thanks to the great work of ICF Chapters, we have increased the marketing stimulus fund! All ICF Chapters will receive the marketing stimulus when the fourth quarter rebates are processed and sent in April. The marketing stimulus is now $700 USD given to each Chapter to put toward marketing initiatives for the Chapter. Historically, Chapters …read more.

Chapter Website Template

April 2, 2019

We are excited to announce that ICF has partnered with Coaching Websites, a website development company, to create an exclusive website design for ICF Chapters. This modern design enables your chapter to adopt the updated look of the ICF website and allows you to reach your members across a unified online presence. You may view …read more.

Employment Opportunity

April 2, 2019

The International Coach Federation is searching for a Regional Development Manager who will contribute to the diversification of ICF’s presence in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Working in partnership with the Strategic Regional Director, the candidate will create and implement strategy with a focus on sustainable growth, with a focus on development of the …read more.


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