Exam Accommodations - International Coaching Federation
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Exam Accommodations

ICF Credentials and Standards is committed to ensuring its exams are accessible for all qualified candidates. Individuals with a documented disability, handicap or other condition that impairs their ability to take the exam may request a reasonable accommodation, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Candidates may also be approved for exam accommodations for documented, qualifying medical conditions that may be temporary, such as pregnancy, injury, or impairment following surgery.

The purpose of exam accommodations is to provide candidates with full access to the exam, not to ensure completion of the exam or improve candidate performance.

Exam accommodations are individualized and are considered and approved on a case-by-case basis. To be considered a qualifying disability, the limitations of the impairment must significantly restrict the individual’s major life activities as compared to the abilities of the average person.

Support for Accommodations: examaccommodations@coachingfederation.org.

Common exam accommodations include extended time for testing (1 hour, 1.5 time or double time), unscheduled breaks, access to auxiliary items (food, medication, medical devices), adjustable workstation, sit/stand workstation, Zoom text, separate testing room, or provision of a reader and/or scribe. Approved accommodations for candidates with disabilities or qualifying medical conditions are provided at no cost to the candidate.

Certain accommodations may only be available in a Pearson VUE testing center.

All requests for exam accommodations are strictly confidential. Only information pertaining to the candidate’s approved accommodation will be shared with testing delivery partners for the purpose of preparing for the candidate’s exam appointment.

  • Requesting an Exam Accommodation

    Accommodations must be requested prior to scheduling an exam appointment. To request an exam accommodation, candidates must submit the ICF Exam Accommodations Request Form, along with any required supporting documentation. Candidates may request more than one accommodation, however supporting documentation is required for each requested accommodation.

    Upon submission, ICF Credentials and Standards will review the requested accommodations and required supplementary documentation and will notify the candidate of ICF Credentials and Standards’ decision regarding the requested accommodation(s), including specific accommodations approved (e.g., additional exam time, use of a reader, etc.).

    Notification of an accommodation request decision must be received before a candidate schedules an exam appointment. ICF Credentials and Standards is not able to add accommodations to an existing exam appointment.

    ICF Credentials and Standards and its testing partner, Pearson VUE, will make reasonable efforts to provide the requested accommodations to candidates who demonstrate a documented disability, provided the accommodations do not alter or jeopardize exam integrity and security. Accommodations cannot be made to the actual content of the exam.

    If you have questions or need assistance, please reach out to examaccommodations@coachingfederation.org.

  • Approved Comfort Aids

    Items listed on the Pearson VUE Approved Comfort Aids list are pre-approved for exam candidates and do not require submission of the Accommodations Request Form. These items are allowed in the testing room, however, Pearson Vue test center staff or online proctors will ask to visually inspect these items on exam day.

  • Documentation Requirements for Exam Accommodation Requests

    It is important that candidates who need special arrangements for the exam are able to document their disability. Demonstration of a medical diagnosis, rather than a documented disability, does not entitle a candidate to an accommodation.

    Supporting documentation provided by a qualified, professional evaluator (i.e., physician, psychologist, psychiatrist, etc.) verifying the candidate’s disability or qualifying medical condition must be submitted with the ICF Exam Accommodations Request Form.

    A qualified professional is an individual with the credentials, training and expertise to diagnose the reported disability or qualifying medical condition. This typically includes extensive graduate-level training, such as a doctorate in psychology, clinical psychology, or medicine. The health care professional providing supporting documentation may not be an individual in a personal, familial, supervisory or other close relationship with the candidate requesting the accommodation.

    Supporting documentation from a professional evaluator must meet the following guidelines:

    1. Must be provided on the qualified professional’s letterhead.
    2. Must include the name, title and professional credentials of the qualified professional.
    3. Must include the address, telephone number and email address of the professional.
    4. Must include the date of assessment upon which the verification is based.
    5. Must identify the medical, psychological, educational or cognitive functional tests that were conducted with the candidate, the results of those tests, and an interpretation of the results.
    6. Must describe the disability or medical condition of the candidate.
    7. Must describe the functional limitations of the candidate due to the disability or medical condition and the specific impact on the candidate’s daily life activities.
    8. Must identify specific accommodations that are recommended and describe how each will reduce the impact of the identified limitations for the candidate.

    NOTE: Candidates with a prior exam accommodation approval may submit documentation of the prior approval to meet the supporting documentation requirement. No additional documentation from a qualified evaluator is required.

    If you have questions or need assistance, please reach out to examaccommodations@coachingfederation.org.

  • Testing Arrangements for Nursing Mothers

    ICF Credentials and Standards supports candidates who require a special arrangement to breastfeed, express, or pump breast milk during their exam. Candidates requiring the Nursing Mothers accommodation must complete the ICF Exam Accommodations Request Form, however no supporting documentation is required.

    For more information about special arrangements for nursing mothers at Pearson VUE testing centers worldwide, please visit the Pearson VUE Test Accommodations webpage.

    If you have questions or need assistance, please reach out to examaccommodations@coachingfederation.org.

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