Benefits - International Coaching Federation
Celebrating 30 Years of Driving Coaching Forward. Learn More & Join the Celebration

ICF Credential-holders Represent the Gold Standard of Coaching Practice

An ICF Credential is a professional certification indicating that you have completed a rigorous credentialing process designed to develop and refine your coaching skills. Holding a credential – especially an ICF Credential – is extremely important to today’s coaching clients. 

85% of coaching clients say it’s important or very important that their coach holds a certification or credential.
– 2022 Global Consumer Awareness Study

Earning an ICF Credential provides you with instant credibility and increased visibility to prospective clients in a growing industry. It also helps you build your professional network. You’ll join a global network of more than 70,000 professional coaches, all with the same passion to change lives and make a difference.

According to the 2020 Global Coaching Study, the number one obstacle to the advancement of coaching is untrained individuals. Although this industry is not regulated by any one governing body, ICF believes in the importance of education and credentialing for a few key reasons: 

  • Coach practitioners are increasingly likely to agree that their clients expect coach practitioners to be certified / credentialed. 
  • Almost three in four (74%) said they currently hold a credential or certification from a professional coaching organization, up from 70% in the 2016 study. 

ICF Credential-holder Benefits

As an ICF Credential-holder, you’ll have access to these (and more) fantastic resources to recognize and verify your accomplishment. If you are an ICF Member and Credential-holder, you may access your certificate and more in your Member Profile.

  • Credential Certificate

    Document your achievement

    with an attractive certificate, available when your Credential is issued.

  • Digital Badge & Lapel Pin

    Display Your Credential

    with a simple and verifiable way to display your knowledge and skills online, and in-person with a lapel pin.

  • Credentialed Coach Finder

    Increase your Visibility

    with your courtesy listing in the ICF Credentialed Coach Finder (CCF), available to current Credential-holders with an active ICF membership.

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