Board of Directors - International Coaching Federation
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ICF Coaching in Organizations Board of Directors

ICF Coaching in Organization’s aims to lead the global advancement of coaching in organizations, transforming the way people and teams work and thrive to achieve results. 

The ICF Coaching in Organizations Board of Directors is a body of elected members who govern the organization’s affairs. The Board of Directors is responsible for steering the strategic direction, creating annual plans and budgets, implementing policies and procedures for the regular operational, administrative and financial affairs, ensuring sufficient financial and human capital for the operations and achievement of the mission and vision; recruiting and developing qualified board members, and overseeing ICF Coaching in Organization’s performance and achievement of its goals and objectives. 

Application Results Announced: 2025 ICF Coaching in Organizations Global Board of Directors 

ICF thanks all those who participated in the election of the 20XX ICF Coaching In Organizations Global Board of Directors — your voice is important in this process. 

Upon review and collaboration, with all the help from the Coaching Organizations nominating Committee, ICF Coaching in Organizations is pleased to announce that the following candidates have been selected to serve on the 20XX ICF Coaching in Organizations Global Board of Directors: 

  • 2025 ICF Coaching in Organizations Board of Directors


    Helen Basford, PCC (United Kingdom) 

    Denise Russo (USA) 
    Vice Chair 

    Heather McBride Leef, ACC (USA)
    Secretary/Treasurer and Global Board Representative 


    Jacob R. de Villiers, ACC, MS (Saudi Arabia) 

    Pooja Khandelwal, ACTC, MCC, MBA (Canada) 

    Rosarii Mannion, PCC (Ireland) 

    Elena Vedernikova, ACC, MBA (USA) 


    Robert Garcia, ACC, CAE, MBA (USA) 
    Vice President, ICF Coaching in Organizations

    Shweta Handa-Gupta, MCC (India)
    Global Board Chair

    Magdalena Nowicka Mook (USA)
    CEO, ICF

Nomination and Appointment Process

The formal recruitment and selection process runs from July through October each year, depending on whether any seats have become open.  

The CIO Board established an independent CIO Board nominating committee to oversee the selection process. This team plans and executes the nomination and selection process annually based on openings. 

The nominating committee evaluates each application and communicates back if an applicant will advance to the first-round interviews. Following the first round of interviews, a short list of candidates is then moved to the final round. From these interviews, a final slate of nominees is presented to the board. Once approved, new members are officially welcomed, and all other finalists are notified. 

FAQs and Requirements

  • Why Serve on the Board of Directors?

    Serving on the board is a great way to give back to your community, expand your network, and grow professionally. The ICF Coaching in Organizations Board of Directors governs the affairs of the organization. Responsibilities include: 

    • Steering the strategic direction. 
    • Establishing annual plans and budgets. 
    • Ensuring sufficient financial and human capital for the operations and achievement of the mission and vision. 
    • Oversight of ICF Coaching in Organization’s performance and achievement of its goals and objectives. 
  • Who Is the Ideal Board Member?

    ICF Coaching in Organizations is seeking experienced business leaders interested in serving on its Global Board of Directors. We are looking for at least five directors to fill various roles, including officer positions.   

    We want individuals interested in shaping the future of coaching within organizations and to help support and steer this startup organization within the ICF ecosystem.  

    The ideal Board Member for the ICF Coaching in Organizations Board of Directors will hold a director, vice president, or C-level position in a member organization in good standings or from a non-member organization that qualifies for membership. 

    Ideal candidates will have expertise in sales and marketing, finance, operations, human resources, and/or information technology.   

    Below are listed all the officer positions within ICF Coaching in Organizations Board of Directors: 

    Chair: The Board Chair is the chief elected officer of the Organization and shall preside at all meetings of the Board and shall perform all duties assigned under the Bylaws or assigned to him or her by the Board of Directors.    

    Vice Chair: In the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair will preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors of the Organization. The Vice Chair shall also be charged with carrying out all duties assigned to him or her by these Bylaws or by the Chair or Board of Directors.    

    Secretary / Treasurer: The Secretary / Treasurer ensures that all notices are duly given in accordance with these Bylaws or as required by law; and in general performs all duties incident to the office of Secretary / Treasurer and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Chair of the Board of Directors.  

    These three positions will be available / up for election for 2025.  The officer roles are for one-year terms, but cannot serve more than two consecutive one-year terms in the same office.   

    In addition to the requirements listed above, the Board strives to represent ICF Coaching in Organization’s diverse membership, including demographics, sectors, geography, and specific expertise. 

  • Eligibility Requirements

    ICF Coaching in Organizations is governed by no more than seven Board of Director members. Eligibility requirements include:  

    • Must be employed by a member organization in good standing or from a non-member organization that qualifies for membership.*  
    • Must hold a director, vice president or C-level position within their organization. 
    • Should lead or sponsor coaching within their organization.  
    • Must be willing to serve on the board at least 2 years.  
    • Must attend at least 3 board meetings each year. 
    • If an acting board member no longer meets these qualifications, they lose eligibility, and their seat will become open.  

    * Please note: ICF Coaching in Organizations membership is not available for companies that employ coaches as consultants, trainers, facilitators, professors, teachers, or similar roles where the primary purpose of employing, contracting with, or retaining such persons is to provide external third parties with coaching education or coaching services.  

  • Board Member Expectations

    Each new board director serves a two-year term, unless filling a vacant position, in which case they would complete the open term and may be eligible for an additional two-year term.  No board member can serve more than two subsequent terms. These terms were established to balance board continuity while providing community members opportunities to bring new ideas and perspectives to the board. 

    There are about 5-6 virtual board meetings per year, each about one to two hours long. In addition, there is one in-person board meeting held each year at a location decided in conjunction with other family organizations.   

Statement of Diversity and Inclusion

ICF Members and Credential-holders live and work in more than 140 countries and territories. ICF is a vibrant global community committed to the shared vision of making coaching an integral part of a thriving society. Our mission is to lead the global advancement of coaching. To do this, we must reflect on our blind spots and be aware of opportunities for improvement. We cannot ignore the challenges that many coaches and coaching clients face due to systemic problems in their communities.

As members of the ICF community, we ascribe to the core values of integrity, excellence, collaboration and respect. The foundation of these values is a shared commitment to diversity, inclusion, belonging and justice.

We will place diversity, inclusion, belonging and justice at the forefront of every decision we make within our Association. As we continue the journey toward our vision, we will recommit ourselves to valuing the unique talents, insights and experiences that every coach and client brings to the world.

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