Now Open: COVID-19 Snapshot Survey Round Two - International Coaching Federation
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Now Open: COVID-19 Snapshot Survey Round Two

ICF has partnered with PwC to launch the second global snapshot survey designed to assess the impact of the pandemic on coaches and the coaching industry. The first survey was launched in June 2020, enabling us to compare where we were pre- and mid-pandemic. Now that we are more than one year into COVID-19, we are following up on how things are going for the coaching industry.

The survey is open to all coaches and managers/leaders who use coaching skills. It will ultimately be available in nine languages, with translations released as they become available:

  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Mandarin
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish

ICF Members and Credential-holders, along with past Global Coaching Survey participants who gave PwC permission to contact them again, received an email invitation to complete the survey from PwC. If you did not receive an invitation and wish to participate in the study, you can click here to complete the survey.

The survey will close February 19. We will publish the results of this global survey in April 2021.

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