Upcoming Joint Webinar on May 19 with ICF and ACMP on Re-opening after COVID-19 - International Coaching Federation
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Upcoming Joint Webinar on May 19 with ICF and ACMP on Re-opening after COVID-19

Through a joint taskforce between ICF and the Association of Change Management Professionals (ACMP), we’re excited to continue the series of webinars: Leveraging the Power of Coaching & Change Management to Navigate Disruption. This FREE panel series will be led by experienced coaching and change management practitioners, as well as industry leaders who will share how they leverage both disciplines with regards to four unique topics.

Join this upcoming webinar on May 19, 2021, at 12 Noon (New York) for a discussion from expert practitioners in change management and coaching. They will be sharing how they are supporting organizations to pivot to virtual, re-open offices, or embrace a new hybrid approach and how they support employees and leaders to address physical and psychological safety and adapt to the new way(s) of working.

The final joint webinar session on Coaching Change Leaders will take place on June 16, 2021, at 12 Noon (New York).

To learn more about the series and to register for the webinars, visit the panel series page.

Comments (28)

  1. simonetta.pallotta@gmail.com says:


    I can’t find the button to sign up at the evnt “New Joint Webinar Series: Leveraging the Power of Coaching & Change Management to Navigate Disruption”

    Thank you
    Simonetta Pallotta

  2. vicki.tardino@gmail.com says:

    I’ve searched high and low but can’t find the button to register that is referenced. Thanks for directing me.

  3. kim@meridianld.ca says:

    I am trying to register for the 4 panel discussions and cant find a linked button “below” as the page says!
    I hope it is not just me! https://coachingfederation.org/events/live-panel-series

  4. colleen@aldenleadership.com says:

    Hello! Im very interested in the series Leveraging the Power of Coaching & Change Management to Navigate Disruption. I tried to register, but where it says “click the button below to reserve your spot”, there is no button! Will you please advise on how I can sign up? thank you. – Colleen

  5. Debbie Godfrey says:

    How do I register for this 4 part series?

  6. rudyey70@gmail.com says:

    Please register me on this

  7. Isabel Herzpg says:

    Social Justice: March 17, 2021, at 12 Noon (New York)

  8. amal.zoraa.pro@gmail.com says:

    Hi there,

    Where is the link to subscribe to these webinars pls?

  9. kim@kimfvaughan-coaching.co.uk says:

    Hello, I have signed up for these webinars and just enjoyed the first one – excellent content! But I can’t find how to claim CCU point for it. My registrations don’t appear in my learning calendar. Can you help please?

  10. dianewalkercoaching@yahoo.co.uk says:

    Hello. I registered for the 4 events and attended ‘Social Justice’ yesterday. Excellent event. How do I apply for the CCE certificate, please?
    FYI I did have trouble logging on and needed to reregister just before it started.

  11. cllcello600@gmail.com says:

    I’m trying to register for the May conference but it says registration closed. Am I missing something?
    Thank you,
    Christina L

  12. Margaret James says:

    Hey ICF, you need to read the comments. We’re asking for access to the May 19 webinar and you’re sending the link that is the problem. Thank you! M/

  13. sanyog_jain@yahoo.com says:

    The site does not allow to register for the May 19 event. It says registration not permitted. Is there a way that one can listen to the recording of the first event?

  14. marlene.magnani@alice.it says:

    Hi, I registered for the event Leveraging Coaching and Change Management to Navigate Disruption: Leadership from the Front Lines! I missed it and I can’t find how to see the recorded session. Where may I see it?

  15. Beth Egan says:

    Seems the event is closed. Can I please be waitlisted? This is a business critical topic for me as I am working with a multinational client in this area and would love to hear other’s inspiring best practices. Please advise me, thank you.

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