ICF Foundation: Ignite Social Progress Through Coaching
Have you joined the movement to ignite social progress through coaching? Grab a coach, identify a cause and launch! Through the ICF Foundation’s Ignite Initiative, participants utilize a toolkit that allows you to focus on the heart of the project—coaching.
- Any ICF Chapter, group of ICF Members or ICF-credential holder can create a project!
- Partner with an organization focused on a topic aimed at any of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals!
- A coach with an ICF Credential can participate in coaching!
- Become a Coach Leader!
- Elevate the value of coaching by doing a pro bono (for public good) project with the partner organization for a maximum of 6 months or 10 coaching sessions!
- Distribute surveys and submit your data to the ICF Foundation.
Learn more on how you can get involved with the Ignite Initiative.