ICF Advance Registration is Now Open - International Coaching Federation
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ICF Advance Registration is Now Open

ICF Advance 2018 registration is now open at coachfederation.org/events/icf-advance.

For the first time ever, ICF Advance will take place completely online. From October 22-November 9, 2018, experience three powerful weeks of education and earn 15.48 Continuing Coach Education (CCE) units as you explore this year’s theme: The Coach, The Client,  The Impact. Best of all, you can earn these CCE units when it’s convenient for you! Join sessions live or log in later to view sessions and complete learning checkpoint activities at your own pace to earn your CCEs.

The topics and speakers for Advance have been carefully curated and will cover topics including emotional intelligence, change management and resilience. Ann Betz, PCC, is the provocateur for this year’s event. Ann is the founder of BEabove and has been a certified coach for more than 15 years. She’s also the author of a groundbreaking study on brain research and coaching.

Your registration fee for ICF Advance 2018 will be based on inventory. The first 200 registrants will receive the lowest price point and prices will increase after every 200 registrations. Your registration fee includes access to all live and on-demand sessions, with access to the live session recordings after the event concludes. Don’t miss your chance to lock in the lowest price: Register today at coachfederation.org/events/icf-advance.

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