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Procrastination: How a Coach Can Help

December 20, 2021

“I’ll do it later. No. Really. I will.” “Why do it today when I can do it tomorrow.”  “Oh, things came up.”  “I got so much done today! But no, I didn’t get to that….” Just do it already!  Well, if it were that easy, then we wouldn’t see so many clients seeking coaching services for help …read more.

Coach with the Playing to Win Framework

December 17, 2021

Let me start with an honest confession: straddling the domains of strategy consulting and leadership coaching offers me an excellent opportunity to migrate frameworks from one domain to the other. Effectively, both strategy consulting and coaching work on change, one at an organizational level and the other at an individual level. Hence, the possibility of adapting frameworks from one to the …read more.

Why Listening is a Crucial Skill for Coaches to Develop

December 15, 2021

Four metaphors and several deliberate practices leading to listening mastery Not more than a few months ago, it was still hard for me to keep quiet. A quality of any master coach is the “evocative” silence – the kind of pause that creates a vacuum in the conversation with the client, a void that the client fills with new understandings. I was not able …read more.

Assertiveness & Empathy: Underutilized and Misunderstood

December 13, 2021

Emotional intelligence is a framework we both actively use in our coaching, and we’ve noticed a pattern over time that many clients appear to overuse or underuse empathy or assertiveness and rarely have a balanced use of both. In one recent example, a female executive at a successful startup engaged with Kelley after her supervisor, another female …read more.

Shadow Stories and Financial Well-being

November 1, 2021

Money makes the world go round as the song goes, but is it true in life?  According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau it is. According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, well-being is defined as having financial security and financial freedom of choice, in the present and in the future. If clients believe their …read more.

Key Factors to Growing Your Coaching Business

October 25, 2021

When building a successful business, there are many essential components that are indispensable, including the following:  Marketing and sales – creating brand awareness and demands   Product or service development and delivery – creating and sharing our values to clients   Accounting and finance – a backbone of the business to support its stability and growth, etc.   In this article, I will focus mainly on the component of marketing and sales based on direct experiences in …read more.

Tips for Coaching Introverts 

October 18, 2021

Unfriendly. Aloof. Quiet. Awkward.  Many introverts have heard these words all their lives. From childhood, many quiet, reserved kids are encouraged to change — to become more animated, more outgoing, more raucous, more… extroverted.  In one of the most popular Ted Talks of all time, “The Power of Introverts,” author and speaker Susan Cain described her …read more.

Is Coaching a Profession?

October 14, 2021

If you think coaching is a business to be conducted seriously and devoid of humor, read on – you might be right, humor is serious business!   When I started my career as a coach, I was asked this question multiple times: “Now that you are a coach…it must be a serious thing?” However, for an individual with humor and laughter …read more.

Hero’s Journey® Change Model

October 1, 2021

Embedded within the human psyche is an understanding of how humans change. Whether deliberately or not, this understanding has been translated into storytelling. Story after story, through centuries and across cultures, each one exhibits the same structure and archetypes. Joseph Campbell identified this phenomenon and describes the story model as the Hero’s Journey® — “The universal quest for self-transformation. The journey of the hero …read more.

The Future of Coaching in a Digital World

September 15, 2021

As work is poised to become largely remote, coaching too needs to evolve. In an asynchronous work environment, employees are distributed across varied time zones and their in- person interactions are minimal.  Hence, the practice of “coaching-by-appointment” needs to shift to “coaching-on-demand.” To accomplish this, the coaching capacity and capability of an organization must be distributed across teams and time zones, instead of being concentrated only within the HR department.   Of course, the critical success factor …read more.


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