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Here’s Why You Should Go for Your ICF MCC Credential

April 18, 2023

The International Coaching Federation’s (ICF) new Level 3 education path is for the Professional Certified Coach (PCC), who is ready to go for the coveted Master Certified Coach (MCC) credential. I’ve heard from many of you that there is a desire to pursue this higher credential; however, several of you still have questions, such as, …read more.

Questions to Ask to Prepare for a Coaching Session

March 8, 2023

Being ready in every coaching session that we have is mandatory. After all, that’s part of our commitment to our practice and our clients, right? We owe it to our clients. And to ourselves too. So how do you know if you are ready to engage in yet another life-changing session with your client?  Here …read more.

6 Ways A Coach Can Help Leaders Embrace Change

February 28, 2023

Leading people is a sport of adaptation. It’s a manager’s or leader’s best strategy for resilience and sustainable success.  Why is that?  Because in an environment with clear roles and boundaries (think of a living organism), anything (like a cell or tissue) acting out of the roles and boundaries becomes an ”intruder,” a ”rogue” element, …read more.

Why You Should Get Your Coaching Credential

February 22, 2023

Anyone can say, “I’m a coach.”  But an International Coaching Federation (ICF) credential is a professional certification that sets you apart. It says you’re a coach who has met specific standards and requirements designed to develop and refine your coaching skills. It shows your dedication to upholding strong principles of ethical behavior in coaching. And …read more.

5 More Mistakes Coaches Should Avoid

February 15, 2023

Fact: We can all learn from our mistakes. So, we must not be afraid to commit them. Because it is only by being brave enough to try that we get to fully maximize every opportunity we have to become our own #bestmeever. In this case, become the awesome coaches we are meant to be.  By …read more.

Communicating for Respect

October 19, 2022

Communication is the transfer of information from one person to another in order to produce greater understanding. It is my attempt to share with you my thoughts, feelings and information, and it is your attempt to understand me. However, due to differences in culture, language, generations and more, communication is not easy. So, how do …read more.

Using Curiosity Coaching - Is It Worth It?

October 12, 2022

Professional coaching is about understanding our coachees, not satisfying our curiosity. Ask an audience of professional coaches, “What’s the most important skill for a coach to master?” and you’re likely to hear “Curiosity! A curious coach is a great coach!” In fact, many coaches frequently interject the phrase, “I’m curious…” into their coaching sessions. There …read more.

Music is the Map

September 21, 2022

Music can name the unnamable and communicate the unknowable. —Leonard Bernstein Most of us recognize that music can be more than a means to fill the silence. Many of us have experienced its power of persuasion. It convinces us to get up and dance when we are far more comfortable sitting. It induces laughter when …read more.

The Importance of Curiosity in Professional Coaching

September 2, 2022

Genius extraordinaire Albert Einstein was attributed to saying, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” Einstein was clearly onto something.   Research has shown that curiosity is correlated with creativity and innovation, intelligence, tighter relational bonds, improved learning, and problem-solving. With all those benefits, it’s no wonder that creating a culture of …read more.

Systematic Desensitization: When Anxiety is the Obstacle to your Client’s Goal

August 23, 2022

Certain tasks or situations can create a lot of anxiety for clients, which can then become an obstacle to achieving their desired outcome. Anxiety around the scope of the goal, about what others will think, of success, failure, of letting themselves or others down.   What happens?   The client avoids and/or postpones the task or …read more.


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