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A Coach Who Photographs: The Power of Photography in Coaching

February 20, 2024

For many years before receiving my coach training and ICF credential, I worked with clients one-on-one in a photo studio setting. Looking back, I see that my photography experience has been invaluable preparation for my coaching work. A traditional portrait photoshoot includes the coaching elements of holding space, listening, observing, supporting, partnering, and capturing something …read more.

Setting a Resolution for Media Relations

February 6, 2024

Creating resolutions and establishing goals to guide you is a customary tradition as we bid farewell to the past and enter the new year. This practice not only serves as a valuable self-motivator, but also enables us to enter the new year with a clear sense of purpose and plan of action. As a coach, …read more.

Coaching in the BrAIve New World of Artificial Intelligence

January 9, 2024

Futurist John Naisbitt said, “The most exciting breakthroughs of the 21st century will not occur because of technology, but because of an expanding concept of what it means to be human.” With all the headlines and real-life applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI), we began to wonder if Naisbitt may have gotten it wrong. As a …read more.

The Role of Assessments in Coaching Emotional Intelligence

December 6, 2023

Emotional intelligence is a common buzzword these days in the personal and professional development space. There are many definitions and multitudes of “coaching” programs promising to increase emotional intelligence. According to Daniel Goleman, “Coaching is the most effective method for improving in areas of emotional intelligence deficit. Having expert support during your ups and downs …read more.

Assess Your Cultural Agility Before Coaching Across Cultures

November 20, 2023

“Really, I prefer to express myself in English,” your client insists. “Alright then, let’s begin,” you confirm with a smile. “What obstacle or challenge keeps you from getting started?” “Well, je me sens….,” and your client continues in Franglish (a mix of English and French). What’s with everyone mixing English and their native tongue? Bilingualism. …read more.

Aspiring to Become: How Values Drive Aspiration

November 6, 2023

As a developmental coach, I work with people on who they want to be, not on what they will do or have. The outcome, of course, is that changes in who we decide to be drive corresponding changes in both actions and results. At the core of developmental coaching lies a foundational question of aspiration: …read more.

10 Psychology-Oriented Well-Being Hacks for Coaches

November 2, 2023

Positive Psychology research has indicated that higher levels of well-being lead to higher engagement, creativity, relationships, resilience, skills, and fulfillment. Therefore, by working on raising their well-being levels, clients will be more engaged and creative. Due to the positive relationship between well-being and personal/professional outcomes, well-being hacks may help clients maximize their potential.  As emotions …read more.

5 Quick Reflections During Coaching Sessions

October 31, 2023

The journey is as important as the destination. I totally subscribe to this as a coach. While starting a coaching session may evoke anxiety and concluding one on a high note brings satisfaction, it is especially important to engage in periodic self-checks along the way as we coach. Grounding oneself is necessary so that we …read more.

Having a Beginner’s Mindset: My Journey to Becoming a Coach

October 24, 2023

On March 31, 2022, I sit eagerly in front of my laptop, ready to join the new cohort of an online coach training program. The session begins with introductions, where everyone gets a chance to share who they are, where they come from, and what brings them to coaching. I wonder what I will share. …read more.

How to Help Clients Understand What Motivates Them

October 18, 2023

Recently, I’ve grown fascinated with motivation. I’ve recognized that motivation is the most powerful — and among the most misunderstood — forces in the entire world. This increased interest started when I was wrapping up my first book, “Seven Steps to Dominate Your Day and Crush Your Goals.” A friend’s feedback on my first draft …read more.


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