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The Power of Visualization to Identify a Path Forward

October 5, 2020

Visualization can enable you to picture the best alternative future, clarify your next steps, and even envision a dream you didn’t know you had. Visualization is the mental faculty of conceiving an imaginary or a mental picture of something. It allows you to access your mind’s eye and explore a desired outcome. And it can …read more.

How Digital Assessments can Help Coaches in the New Normal

October 1, 2020

Are we at the new normal yet? So much is still changing about the world of work as the COVID-19 pandemic rumbles on that it’s hard to tell what changes are temporary and which are more permanent. It’s certain, however, that working life is going to look very different for the rest of the year—and …read more.

Batman Vs. Superman: Coaching Senior Leadership Teams

September 29, 2020

Can sustainable business value truly be generated with brilliant individuals managing their own parts like mini kingdoms? One of the key barriers to strategic thought and action has remained common to hundreds of business leaders, CEOs and founders: the amount of time spent in operational decision-making and in bringing together the efforts of all of …read more.

How Coaches can Support the Transition to a Sustainable Economy

September 28, 2020

Human needs are the rationale for economic activity. Human needs, however, are generally presumed to be limitless while the material resources required to fulfill those needs are not. Having essential needs met—such as healthy nutrition, safe housing, good education and a stable environment—is a necessary precondition for us to pursue our livelihoods, participate in society and …read more.

Master the 5 Keys of Proprioception in Coaching

September 18, 2020

Spoken language is not the only form of communication with our clients in the coaching process. In fact, a large majority of communication is through nonverbal language. The language of the body is key in the coaching process, as it forms one of the least understood process communications. The whole-body intelligence approach uses proprioception in …read more.

Where Is Your Focus?

September 17, 2020

Performance Pressure and the Value of Coaching Performance pressure can serve an important purpose. It provides motivation to continue honing and developing skills. It applies pressure to learn new techniques or to stay current with changing trends and best practices. It also can cause anxiety or fear and undermine effectiveness. In those anxious moments, the …read more.


August 31, 2020

Spoiler alert: Your inner judge is not your friend. Your sage is. Have you ever doubted your ability to do something? Ever second-guessed if you were good enough? I experienced trepidation when I contemplated writing an article for Coaching World. Like me, you may have heard your noisy inner judge dissuading you. My inner judge, …read more.

The Secret Sauce in Coaching: Humility and Confidence

August 26, 2020

What causes one coach to be highly sought after and another coach to repeatedly flounder? Every professional coach has developed proficiency in utilizing a basic set of competencies. We have been trained and mentored, completed practice hours and passed the written exam. But coaching is more than a skill set. It is also a mindset. …read more.

Volunteer Coach to Flex Your Humanitarian Muscles

August 24, 2020

You likely became a professional coach because you set out to make a positive difference for people. This intrinsic value led you to choose an industry where the bulk of your work is humanitarian in nature because it deals with humankind. It feels good to be a coach because you know that you’re potentially making …read more.

Creating Personal Rituals: Using Coaching to Make Your Life Feel More Sacred

August 20, 2020

The foundation of my holistic coaching practice is that every aspect of our lives is intimately interwoven. I imagine life as an intricately spun spider’s web, and I imagine spirituality as the morning dew that settles on this structure and brings it to life, glistening and drawing our attention to the details and incomprehensible beauty. …read more.


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