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Closing Out a Tough Year - Time for Coaches to Reflect and Recharge

December 23, 2020

2020 – what a year it’s been. Perhaps it feels like several years (or maybe a decade) wrapped into one long, trying year. When it comes to celebrating the close of the year, it seems we’re all on the same wavelength – good riddance.   For introverts, extroverts and “somewhere in the middle” folks alike, social distancing guidelines amid the pandemic have …read more.

Your Next Move

August 17, 2020

If something you have been working on isn’t going well, what is your usual next move? Do you wallow in the disappointment of not reaching your goal, or do you consider how you might approach your task differently? A better option for you may be to use a strategic mindset and navigate difficult situations by …read more.

A Neuroscientific Approach to Change in Coaching

July 23, 2020

The brain is acutely and instinctively resistant to change, which is interpreted as a threat because it is different from what the brain was expecting. It sends an error-detection signal to the amygdala, the emotional register and fear circuitry. This triggers the fight-or-flight response: Large amounts of energy are redirected from the prefrontal cortex, the …read more.

Constructed Emotion

July 13, 2020

When things go wrong, my client, Mark, always blames his staff. He walks around the office with a sour face and is often angry. And his staff has learned to walk on eggshells to avoid his next angry outburst. We used to think that these outbursts were an example of the “amygdala hijack,”, a term …read more.

Supporting One Another: We Have to Get it Right

May 11, 2020

It’s not uncommon to comfort your loved ones when they are down or stressed. We aim to tell them words that will make them feel better, but right now, at this time, things are different. We have no choice but to get it right. We must know how to uplift and support one another in …read more.

Challenges for Coaches in a World Dominated by Short Attention Spans

January 13, 2020

Bill McCartney, a well-renowned football coach, once said, “All coaching is, is taking a player where he can’t take himself.”  Inevitably, this process takes some time. With the average attention span of most humans on a downward spiral, coaching, as a practice, is bound to be adversely impacted, and I firmly believe that this is …read more.

To Achieve, Share Your Goals with the Right People

November 13, 2019

With whom do you share your aspirations and goals? Research suggests that they should be of a higher status than you are. In a set of four studies published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, research shows that people are more dedicated to their goals when they share them with someone of higher status or …read more.

GCS 2019: Help Us Drive the Future of Coaching

November 1, 2019

Among the many efforts of this organization, ICF routinely conducts original research studies about the state of the coaching profession. This research sustains and enhances ICF’s stature as the preeminent thought leader in the profession. Further, this extensive research is an invaluable resource for ICF Members. The survey period for one of these studies, the …read more.

Changing Implicit Bias May Not Change Behavior

October 28, 2019

Do you assume that changing implicit bias ultimately changes behavior? If so, you may want to reconsider. A recent meta-analysis of research papers about implicit bias did not find a casual relationship between the two. What is implicit bias? “All the little ways in which our everyday thinking about social stuff is unconscious or uncontrollable,” says …read more.

Whether Listening or Reading, Your Brain Processes Words Similarly

October 23, 2019

In today’s technologically advanced world, people are taking advantage of the different ways to absorb information now more than ever. The way of old-fashioned reading is becoming a rare art with the hustle-and-bustle lifestyle people are starting to adapt to. With the emergence of audiobooks, podcasts and audio texts, researchers are seeing that whether listening …read more.


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