Bilingual Partnership Empowers Women Leaders and Coaches
Angela De Sousa, ICF South Florida’s past president, was inspired to be involved with the chapter’s Ignite initiatives. She found the experience not only impacted her client, but also influenced her chapter too. She sat down with the Foundation to share her observations about their Ignite Initiative recently. The chapter partnered with WE Evolution. The organization educates through a powerful combination of personal empowerment, leadership and mentoring with a dimensional and holistic approach targeting body, mind, emotions and spirituality—all aiming to embrace women’s empowerment. They were a perfect partner for the ICF South Florida Chapter, as they also operated bilingually to educate female leaders in the community. The Chapter was excited to pair with an organization that was bringing in a new conversation and tools for female leaders.
ICF Foundation: What impact did you see within the organization as a result of coaching?
Angela: Most of the leaders that participated in the initiative are local high-level female executives from the community, so we saw the impact immediately, not only within the Ignite partnership, but also within the community. WE Evolution matched our value by providing a matching value to us including [the chapter] as a strategic partner. We saw the potential of a ripple effect with our coaches. Not only in improving the organization’s mission and goals, but also in positioning an opportunity for the pro bono coaching to be taken to the next level. It provided a proximity to our members by helping to provide an opportunity for conversations and continue coaching after the initiative was complete.
To ensure our Ignite partner understands the value provided in the initiative, we are planning to provide them an invoice that shows the net worth of the pro bono coaching provided to them. It is always good to open the conversation with your partner organization about if they would consider investing financially in coaching. The CEO shared that this coaching opportunity gave WE Evolution more co-power between their leaders and allowed them to see further how to continue providing great service and generating growth and a community in South Florida.
ICF Foundation: How did creating an Ignite Initiative benefit you as a coach?
Angela: I believe we can make a greater impact with coaching than we think possible around the globe. We are unlimited in our ability to help others and ourselves. I was so grateful to work on this initiative with our Ignite Chapter team, especially our project manager, Clare Merlo. My best gift came from my service as a coach within the initiative. It was an honor to work with the CEO of WE Evolution and watch as her leadership, self-trust and empowerment stepped into a new level of greatness. I found it to be very powerful.
ICF Foundation: What are some tips you would share with chapters considering starting in Ignite Initiative?
Angela: Get creative in the unlimited world, making sure you follow Ignite guidelines, but remember that education has many levels…and you can make it work for your chapter. You will be surprised at how many of your chapter members will get involved in Ignite! As a chapter leader, involve your members, put more people in place to work and engage your members! The ripple effects of participating in Ignite will become a lot bigger and bring more to your chapter than not participating. Just try it out; it is a great way to serve others!
If this is your chapter’s first pro bono project, don’t worry if your project isn’t perfect! The initiative is about creating an awareness and value of coaching. You are moving forward and will experience a learning curve in your first initiative. This will happen for both you and the partner. Give your project time and be flexible.
ICF Foundation: How did creating the Ignite Initiative benefit the chapter?
Angela: Having a bilingual project was huge for our chapter. Providing a pro bono opportunities was something that our chapter members inquired about frequently, and we were so pleased to provide the Ignite Initiative for them. This initiative raised the “vibration of the chapter’s energy.” Our members became more involved and were attracted to the bilingual project that allowed our coaches to serve in a pro bono capacity in their native tongue. The project also expanded our name into the community that was not previously aware of ICF and professional coaching.
Angela invites others to join the Foundation in serving the world through coaching in a powerful way! As our profession continues to grow, the impact will continue to be bigger. As a matter of fact, the Foundation currently has 48 chapters that have completed 80 Ignite Initiatives. Those projects, along with our global initiatives, have reached over 16 million! The Ignite Initiative continues to strengthen the participants in their work to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning for all. To learn more about how your chapter can get involved, email the Foundation at
Great initiative by South Florida Chapter. Coaching in a local language takes ignite benefits to the roots via chapter leadership. A great initiative by Angela and her team. This is easily applicable globally and should be encouraged. The greatest idea am taking away is what i did intermittently as founder and past president, ICF kenya chapter and that is, providing Net Worth invoice for pro-bono coaching sessions after the sessions. As part of tithing in the universe, ICF can spread wings to support NGOs.