Announcing New Partnership with BetterUp - International Coaching Federation
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Announcing New Partnership with BetterUp

We recently signed an agreement with BetterUp to measure and conduct research on ICF’s rigorously developed competencies, with the goal of unlocking what leads to true behavior change and growth across personal and professional domains. This first-of-its-kind study will be part of a broader research partnership between the two organizations as they work jointly to advance the industry with the first criterion-validated competency model, fueling scientifically driven coaching development and practice.

“ICF has long been recognized as the international gold standard for the coaching profession. As the world increasingly turns to digital methods of connection, it is important that we explore what it means to uphold the highest coaching standards in this medium,” said ICF CEO Magdalena Nowicka Mook. “Coaching holds transformative power for individuals, teams, communities, and far beyond. Working closely with BetterUp, we are eager to discover how the best practices of the profession can most effectively be protected, applied, and enhanced in digital environments.”

ICF invests frequently in industry research to explore the state and nature of coaching. This allows the community of coaches to stand strong with fresh knowledge of industry trends to inform their daily decisions. This study with BetterUp will join ICF’s extensive body of research including the recurring Global Coaching Study, the Global Consumaer Awareness Study, the Building a Coaching Culture series, and more.

More information will be available online later this week. Please check the ICF website and/or BetterUp website for updates.

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