9 Steps to Simplify Your Online Coaching Business
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Simplifying Your Online Coaching Business

Posted by Bianca Forbes | March 13, 2015 | Comments (11)

Getting a new client is always good. You’ve done well to promote yourself. You’ve made a connection with someone. They’ve decided they’d like to find out more about how you can help them.

So far, so good.

Now, in my experience, this is where things can get a bit messy.

You have certain questions you need answered before you can help a potential client so you can get clearer about where he or she is at the moment.

You send an email with your questions. You wait for that email to come back – given your schedules don’t always create the time to answer questions.

If you don’t go the email route, you engage in a back and forth exchange to see what time will work best to answer these initial questions. When you do finally agree on a date for the conversation, you’re unprepared for the call because you still don’t know what the potential client needs your help with specifically.

Once the questions are answered, you then need to prepare a solution, agree on the terms of that offer, agree on payment and agree on a time that suits you best to deliver the service.


That’s a lot of process that could end with you both losing momentum. It’s enough to get anyone in a state, especially if admin is not your favourite part of being in business.

Doing this for each and every client is a nightmare. Even if you have an assistant doing this, there’s a lot more headache for them doing it this way than there needs to be.

The secret is to cut through the stress and know that there is an easier way to get this done, more so if your business is online. Be prepared to get organised and set your online business in a way that serves you, your assistant and your client.

Here’s how you can do it.

Step 1: Prepare what you want to ask

To get initial questions answered, have a predesigned form on your site that clients can complete. Simply direct potential clients to that page every time you take on someone new.

They complete the form and give you everything you need. If you want to make sure that the form is completed in a given time, give a clear deadline. This sets up clear boundaries about how you do business and is more respectful of everyone’s time.

Step 2: Determine a time to talk and deliver

Instead of being available whenever, set times in your day when you are available to have initial calls. This is usually a complimentary session of some kind. The point is to make time in your schedule when you can commit to having these conversations. Also, set dates aside for when you can deliver your work should he or she become a client.

Add these dates to an online calendar in advance. That way, when the time comes for you the have the call, you can send the client to your calendar to book a convenient time to talk.

Step 3: Choose best delivery format  

Think about how you want to deliver the session. Check out the range of online conferencing, video and audio tools. You can use the tool you choose for both the consultation and delivery of your coaching.

Make sure that the tool you use is suitable. Can you have as clear a conversation with little to no technical problems that interrupt the flow? Also, see if it comes with any recording facility that you can use for a later step. Test at least three options before you decide which to use. Some are free and some are paid.

Step 4: Prepare for the conversation

At this point you can get a feel for how you might help that client based on what they’ve shared. You also know what further questions you might have.

You will use this information to compare what you offer and see how that fits in with the clients expected results. This part will be useful if you already have a signature process you use to get your clients from their problem to a solution. This is particularly handy for the next step.

Step 5: Know what to offer

Your signature process will have already been used for clients – even if you haven’t called it that yet. No problem. Here is where you get clear about what problems you understand your client is having and how you go about solving them. Create a page on your site that explains this, also known as a sales page.

Copywriting and sales page creation is a skill and craft that can be confusing and overwhelming. If this is not your area of expertise, keep it simple by creating a mini sales page that outlines at least your understanding of the problem, your solution, your terms, your fee and what happens next.

Step 6: Get verbal and written agreement

On the day of the call, take your time and listen to the potential client. Take notes of where the key issues lie. These issues will help you mould your offer at the end of the conversation. There is a science to this conversation as well. Don’t rush into your solution until you’ve heard exactly what the problems are.

When the time comes to offer your help, go through the mini sales page together. This is why the page only needs core information on it. You then can clarify the specific problems you’ll help each client with. Get an online service with your terms and conditions that creates the option for both of you to sign. This keeps everything accountable and clean.

Step 7: Accept payment for service

Going through your mini sales page allows you to fill in the blanks and create your solution to the problems your potential client has just shared. By now they will be clearer and if they are happy with hiring you, now is a time to talk about fees and payment for your service. Money is often the tricky part, but it doesn’t have to be. Adding your fee to your page beforehand helps.

Because you’ll have set up your payment method on the sales page, you can go ahead and get your client to select the option they want and take payment at the agreed time. Again you have the choice, take the full payment or at least a non-refundable deposit to honour their commitment. Make sure the final balance is paid before you deliver the service.

Step 8: Schedule time to deliver the work

Because you already have a calendar with dates you are available to deliver your service, you can use it to help you and the client book the best time for the coaching session. You’ve saved yourself time, energy and potential stress because you thought ahead and created your time in advance. Go you!

In the meantime, keep in touch with the client periodically and make sure all is okay in preparation for when the work starts. They will appreciate you more for caring enough to follow up beyond the sale.

Step 9: Offer additional support or follow up to service

When the day comes, enjoy every single moment of it. It’s the best part of doing what we do and you can finally relish in why you got into this profession in the first place. Be careful not to overwhelm your client with everything you know, just what they need. You’ll want to make sure your client feels fully supported before, during and after they’ve worked with you.

Remember when I told you to make sure your delivery tool could record? Well now is the time to use it. To round up the time and positive experience, send your client the recording of the time you’ve spent together. They can go back to it at any time and won’t stress about forgetting key pieces. If they want to continue working with you even better!

And that’s it.

Follow these steps to help you set up and run your online business as smoothly as possible. It will make life so much easier for you, anyone helping you behind the scenes and just as importantly, the clients you are in the business to serve.

Bianca Forbes Headshot

Bianca Forbes

Bianca Forbes is an online business and marketing strategist and coach. She makes online business and marketing simple for service-based entrepreneurs who want to work fewer hours, make more money, and help more people.

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Comments (11)

  1. […] they can expect you to hear back from you. Or better still, use the same calendar method I mention in this article as a tool to manage your time. Remember: your time is for your clients, your team, you and your […]

  2. anjali tiwari says:

    I want to give online coaching, pls tell me how to start this

  3. sharan says:

    I am MCA,MA English I want to give online coaching can u plz help me.

  4. Leticia says:

    Dear Bianca,

    I liked very much your suggestions, and appreciate you for helping others!

    It was very helpful to me.

    Thank you!

  5. Thank-you for sharing this blog it is really very helpful.

  6. DIANNE says:

    Greattings, Thank you. I am a new certified life coach…..thank you for your professional help

  7. Greg De Tisi says:

    Some really great tips there – I had to share on Twitter. It will certainly help the coaches whom I am helping to get some clarity with their process of coaching, Thanks so much for this. I think too many coaches get overwhelmed by all the processes required and I am not surprised really! So – this is a perfect post to pass on, great work.


  8. Rupesh Gautam says:

    I want to earn money by online coaching.can you Help for Start coaching

  9. John Carston says:

    It’s awesome that this article talked about the importance of saving time for the best delivery service for your customers. My best friend told me that he is looking for a workshop that can help him learn about the things that a great leader does because he is planning to start a business, he asked if I have any idea what is the best option to do. Thanks to this helpful article, I’ll be sure to tell him that consulting a trusted online business mentoring workshop can help him gather more information and ideas.

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